Welcome Parents! Can you find your child’s self-portrait hanging by the windows? Write your name and picture # of the child you think is yours on the yellow slip. Drop the yellow slip of paper in the blue basket. The true identities will be displayed at the end of the presentation! Your child wrote a welcome note to you. Use a pencil from their pencil box to write back.
Back to School Night Welcome Parents! First Grade, Room 24 Mrs. Carroll
A Little About Me…
A Day in the Life… Morning routine Fundations Daily 5, Making Meaning Lunch/Recess Calendar Special(s) Math Writing Workshop Social Studies/Science Pack up/snack
Language Arts Philosophy: Balanced Literacy
Language Arts Reading Components: Making Meaning Shared Reading Modeled Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading Talk about reading Write about reading Raz-Kids
Language Arts Writing Components: Being a Writer Mentor Texts Modeled Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing Sharing and partner work
What is Wilson Fundations? The foundation for reading and spelling Provides a structured, sequential, and cumulative phonics/spelling program using multisensory teaching techniques
What is Wilson Fundations? Part of the balanced literacy instruction, delivered to all students for 30 minutes per day Emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics-word study, high frequency word study, fluency, vocabulary, handwriting and spelling
Program Highlights: letter formation and print knowledge blend and segment up to 5 sounds for example: c a t identify the elements of word structure: blends, digraphs, short and long vowels, basewords, suffixes, syllables types (closed and vowel- consonant-e syllables)
Program Highlights read, spell and write “trick” and high frequency words For example: to, too, two stories (fiction and nonfiction) that provide instruction for fluency, expression and understanding beginning compositional skills: capitalization, punctuation and proofreading procedures
Home Support You are the “coach!” Please set time to read Fundations letters that come home and do the homework activities from the Home Support Pack. Please support classroom instruction by using the verbal step-by-step guidelines for proper letter formation.
Home Support Proper pencil grip and correct letter and number formation will lessen fatigue in the hands and builds stamina for writing neatly. *Please note there are periodic unit assessments. There will be no weekly spelling tests.
Daily 5 A framework for structuring literacy time so students develop lifelong habits of reading, writing, and working independently.
Daily 5 BRIEF whole group instruction 1 st round of Daily 5 BRIEF whole group instruction 2 nd round of Daily 5 BRIEF whole group instruction 3 rd round of Daily 5
Daily 5 It is called The Daily Five because there are five literacy components for children to choose from when they go off to work. These components are: Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Working with Words
Math Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking - Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. - Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. - Add and subtract within Work with addition and subtraction equations. Number and Operations in Base Ten - Extend the counting sequence. - Understand place value. - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Measurement and Data - Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. - Tell and write time. - Represent and interpret data. Geometry - Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Math Standards Number and Operations in Base Ten - Extend the counting sequence. - Understand place value. - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Math Standards Measurement and Data - Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. - Tell and write time. - Represent and interpret data. Geometry - Reason with shapes and their attributes.
GO Math Exploration of concepts before learning the steps to solve problems Deep level of understanding Hands-on activities Critical thinking and problem solving opportunities Connections to real-life Online opportunities for reteach, enrichment, and/or practice
Science Inquiry-based instruction Hands on experiments Two Units Air and Weather Solids and Liquids
Social Studies People and Places published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Holidays
Report Cards Distributed December, April, June Grading A - Achieved P - Partially achieved D - Developing I - Improvement needed N - Not Assessed at the time
Homework Missed Homework Due to Personal Reasons School policy states that if a child misses school for personal reasons, missed homework will be given to the child the day he/she returns to school. The number of days absent is the number of days your child has to complete the homework.
Things to mention: Birthdays Class Parties
Class Webpage Teacher Webpages: Central School: Mrs. L. Carroll Curriculum Information: /pages/Curriculum-Guides/
Self-Portrait Answer Key: Evan # 15 Aiden # 9 Jan # 10 Michelle # 3 Finn # 16 Gianluca # 11 Megan # 4 Emily # 2 Sara # 5 Sydney # 7 Eric # 14 Tessa # 6 Liam # 13 Landon # 1 Ryan # 8 Nina # 12
Look Around the Room! Please check the green kidney table to sign up for conferences and parties. Also, be sure to write a letter back to your child before you leave! Thank you for coming!
Go Math! Concepts for 3 rd Grade: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.0A represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division multiply and divide within 100 *By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.*
Go Math! Concepts for 3 rd Grade: Number and Operations-Fractions 3.NF develop understanding of fractions as numbers: a.part of a whole or a group b.on the number line c.equivalence and ordering
Go Math! Concepts for 3 rd Grade: Measurement and Data 3.MD time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects area and perimeter represent and interpret data: a.draw and interpret picture and bar graphs b.generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch
Go Math! Concepts for 3 rd Grade: Geometry 3.G 2-dimensional shapes and their attributes Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic: a.round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 b.fluently add and subtract within 1,000
What to Expect in the Go Math! Program: exploration of concepts BEFORE learning the steps to solve problems hands-on, differentiated activities numerous strategies presented (for multiplication, comparing fractions, calculating area, etc.) higher-level thinking solve multistep problems explain thinking when solving problems real-life applications of concepts deeper level of understanding online opportunities for reteach, enrichment, and/or practice spiral review on practice workbook pages tests are all word problems
Social Studies Topics –Communities –Native American Communities –Jamestown –Pioneers – Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark –Immigrants –Economics –Local, State and National Government
Science Units Plant Growth and Development Rocks and Minerals Chemical Tests
PARCC PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Computer-based assessment for English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy and Mathematics in Grades 3 through 11 that is linked to the new, more rigorous Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Beginning of March; End of April Pages//PARCC.FAQ.pdfhttp:// Pages//PARCC.FAQ.pdf
Technology iPads/Laptops: Think Central Raz-Kids Spelling City EduTyping Brain Pop, Jr. Kidblog
Classroom Procedures Expectations: Class Promise Homework –Usually 4 nights/week –Read for at least 15 minutes –Sign planner every night after homework is completed –No more than 45 minutes
Friday Folders Tests and quizzes Parent/teacher communication: –Note in planner – –Voic –Our webpage: please subscribe! Birthday Celebrations Classroom Procedures
A Word From Our Homeroom Parents