Program Assessment: Where Do We Start? Scott Byington Biology Instructor, Harnett Campus Lisa Chapman Dean, University Transfer, Allied Health, and Developmental.


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Presentation transcript:

Program Assessment: Where Do We Start? Scott Byington Biology Instructor, Harnett Campus Lisa Chapman Dean, University Transfer, Allied Health, and Developmental Studies Central Carolina Community College

Session Focus Reasons For Emphasis On Assessment Initiating Program Assessment –How do we determine what students need to learn? –How do we know what they have learned? –What do we do with what we know about what they have learned?

Assessment Exercise What is assessment? What is a student learning outcome? What is the last step in closing the program assessment loop? Give one example of a resource that can be used to determine a program student learning outcome.

Report Produced by the Commission on the Future of Higher Education U.S. has taken its postsecondary superiority for granted Other countries are educating more of their citizens to more advanced levels than the U.S. is Higher Education must become –More accessible –More affordable –More accountable

Assessment is... The systematic collection and analysis of information to improve student learning OAPA Handbook PROGRAM-Based Review and Assessment UMass Amherst

One of the 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning: Assessment makes a difference when it begins with issues of use and illuminates questions that people really care about –

Did we begin with issues of use and illuminate questions that people really care about? Regional Accrediting Agency (SACS) intended to be less prescriptive than in the past College leaders did not really understand where they were going Led folks over the river and through the woods (and we did not get to Grandmas house…and did not earn buy in)

But Does That Make Assessment A Bad Thing? Yes, if: Entirely Reinvent the Wheel No, if: Assess and Build On What Is Already Occurring (make what is already being done more systematic and more public)

Backward Design Identify desired outcomes –What do we want students to learn? Determine acceptable evidence of learning –How will we know that they have learned it? Plan learning experiences and instruction –How will we design the learning environment and process to attain our outcomes? Alison McInnes and Yvette Daniel University of Windsor, Ontario Canada

Rather Than Reinvent The Wheel, Lets Just Fix The Flat Do we already know what is important for our students to know and be able to do? What are we are already doing? –Is it effective? –How do we know?

Student Learning Outcome …is what a student does with what he has learned Excerpted from Student Learning Outcomes: Whats Expected Presentation by Norman Cherry March 13, 2008 at CCCC. Mr. Cherry is the Accreditation Coordinator for Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education

Learning Domains Cognitive –Learning outcomes related to knowledge Psychomotor –Learning outcomes related to skills Affective –Learning outcomes related to attitudes, behaviors, and values _Introduction/Introduction1.htm

Course SLOs & Program SLOs Is there a difference? –Yes... And... No Example of interchangeable use: –Program SLO (Information Technology): The student can create an Excel spreadsheet that allows for appropriate data manipulation. –Course SLO MAT 151 CIS 110 OST 137

Program Level Outcome Statement Should target key concepts or change points in program Should be clear with accomplishment ascertainable Should be singular Should be rotated when validated Diablo Valley College -- Pleasant Hill, California Introductory Guide for Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes Fall 2005

Resources for Developing SLOs Disciplines professional association Disciplines specialized accreditation body Systems Curriculum Standard Visualization of ideal graduate… and ideal student at various phases in program –Knowledge, skills, and dispositions student gained as a result of curriculum program Instructional materials and documents Excerpted from Student Learning Outcomes: Whats Expected Presentation by Norman Cherry March 13, 2008 at CCCC. Mr. Cherry is the Accreditation Coordinator for Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education

Discipline Info from Professional Organizations / Accrediting Agencies National Association for the Education of Young Children North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts Examiners

Discipline Info from Curriculum Standards and Visualizing Ideal Student/ Graduate Associate in Science Biology

Instructional Materials and Documents That Describe The Program Syllabi/Course Outlines Assignments and Tests Texts Brochures Catalog Descriptions Mission Statements

When And Where Does The Learning Occur During The Program?

CURRICULUM ALIGNMENT MATRIX Course Program Outcome 1 Program Outcome 2 Program Outcome 3 Program Outcome 4 Program Outcome 5 Program Outcome 6 The Program Outcome is: I = Introduced, P = Practiced, D = Demonstrated Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education by (Allen 2004)

Indirect Assessments Can provide the why –Student/alumni satisfaction surveys focused on their perceived learning –Student ratings of their knowledge and skills, and reflections on what they have learned –Honors, awards, scholarships earned by students and alumni –Assignment grades, if not accompanied by a rubric or scoring guide Excerpted from Northern Arizona University Office of Academic Assessment: Assessment for Improving Student Learning. A Guide for Faculty Sharing Our Best Practices

Direct Assessments Provide the what –Projects / papers –exhibitions /performances –case studies / clinical evaluations –portfolios /exams – capstone experiences / field research – scores and pass rates on licensure/certification exams Excerpted from Northern Arizona University Office of Academic Assessment: Assessment for Improving Student Learning. A Guide for Faculty Sharing Our Best Practices

Simple Assessment Loop: What is important for your students/graduates to know and be able to do? How are you already assessing that information? --Cant all be after graduation What do you do with what you learn? How does what you do impact learning?

Modified Nichols Model of Assessment (CCCC used) OutcomeSuccess Criteria (Standard / Benchmark) Responsible Party TimelineResultsUse of Results

Assessment Exercise What is assessment? What is a student learning outcome? What is the last step in closing the program assessment loop? Give one example of a resource that can be used to determine a program student learning outcome.

Scott Byington: Lisa Chapman: