LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Infants’ Right to Food Assessing Where Countries Stand Chwang Leh-Chii Taiwan BF Forum 8 UB, Mongolia Sept. 15, 2011
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, In appropriate promotion of baby foods Providing gifts/calendars with purchase of growing-up formula, not with infant formula. “Snow” grow-up on the newspaper, Gifts bags, calendars
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, In appropriate promotion of baby foods Baby face on the labeling
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Unethical Marketing 桂格胚芽米粉, 4 個月開始餵 Germ-rice cereal + milk powder mixture targeted babies of 4 months old and a baby face appears on the label. Gerber 嘉寶嬰兒食品 4 jar/pk –Fruit juice 4 oz/jar, NT$180 (USD 6)/pk –Pureed vegetable 80 gm/jar, NT$160(USD 5.5)/pk –Meat + Veg puree 80 gm/jar, NT$200(USD7)/pk –Meat puree 80 gm/jar, NT$ (USD7)/pk
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, WBTi assessment Report was utilized in policy decisions Advertisement by Celebrity Inviting celebrity to advertise the formula is prohibited. Celebrity who is pregnant or has a baby less than 1 yr old is not allowed to advertise for infant formula, baby food, mothers’ class. 2007, May, Department of Health
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Regulation of Breastfeeding in Public Areas 公共場所母乳哺育條例 ( 2010 Nov.24) Purpose: to support BF and provide obstacle free nursery room. No one should prohibit or interfere with breastfeeding in public areas. Nursery room is required in –Government agencies >150 Pin (500 m 2 )86% –Railway station, airport, MRT station >300 Pin (1,000 m 2 ) 80% –Department store >3,000 Pin (10,000 m 2 ) 1 year grace period Penalty –No establishment: NT$ 6,000~30,000 (US$ 200~1,000) –Insufficient establishment: NT$ 4,000~20,000 (US$ 133~666) BF promotion: government authorities of all levels should promote BF and collaborate with NGO
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Conflict of Interest Research fund sponsored by pharmaceutical companies that manufacture infant formula.
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Prevention and Management COI in Policy making and Decision - Implementing code of ethics for good conducts Code of ethics for civil servants Code of ethics for medical professionals Code of ethics on the sale of infant foods Continuous monitoring and exposure for violation of COI Code of pharmaceutical market practice
LCChwang, BF Forum 8, Maternity Benefits Working mothers are protected by the Labor Standard Act. Maternity leave: 8 weeks BF breaks: twice a day each for 30 minutes Milk storage in the working place is mandatory Cash benefits: subsidizing NT$20,000(USD666) for every new born, and NT$ 2,500 (USD83)/m to parents of child < 5yr, in Taipei City to stimulate birth rate.