Brainsweat: The Anatomy of Wisdom All is Vanity Ecclesiastes 2:12–17, 12:13–14
Memory Verse The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Learning Goals Explore: Students will understand that living according to God’s wisdom brings an eternally meaningful life. Transform: Students will evaluate where they have been seeking meaning in life.
Discussion Why is it easy for us to start putting stock in our own wisdom? Have you ever been praised for using wisdom? Did you use it for temporary gain or eternal good? What keeps you focused on what God values instead of what the world values? How do you evaluate the choices that you make? What filter do you put them through? In what ways have you been seeking satisfaction and meaning in life from things that aren’t of eternal importance?
Key Study 1. An eternal perspective shows us the fleeting nature of this world Ecclesiastes 2:12–16
Key Study 2. Our eternal purpose rests in God alone. Ecclesiastes 12:13
Key Study 3. Our eternal future is determined by God’s judgment. Ecclesiastes 12:14