HEALTH & WELLNESS A healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well being A proactive and preventative approach to health emphasizing the whole individual Not just treating disease, actively maintaining health DENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS An overall feeling of well being as it pertains to the mouth The mouth as a gateway to the rest of the body
Babies and Kids Teenagers Adults years Adults over 65 years TIMELINE – PEDIATRICS TO GERIATRICS
BABIES AND KIDS Baby bottle tooth decay Dental emergencies - tooth broke or has been knocked out Thumb sucking Sealants Malocclusion Space Maintainers WHAT TO DO ??? American Dental Association (ADA) recommends Child’s 1st dental visit being within 6 months of the child’s 1st tooth erupting Introduction of flossing and brushing through imitation Avoidance of “junk foods” - candies, cookies, soda
ADULTS OVER 65 Medical conditions Medications and dry mouth Periodontitis or gum disease Loss of teeth/Fracturing of teeth – decreased functionaltiy Mouth as the gateway to the rest of your body-- heart disease, stroke diabetes, pneumonia WHAT TO DO ??? Regular dental visits, daily home care
THE CONFIDENT YEARS Occasional toothache can’t eat ice cream Bad breath Grinding due to stress TMD Darker teeth Gum disease WHAT TO DO ??? Preventive, see your dentist regularly, brush 2x/day, floss daily
OUR COMMUNITY AND DENTAL WELLNESS Good teeth BAD GUMS - PERIODONTITIS – BONE LOSS Teeth shifting loss of teeth Up to 400% higher rate of Heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes
RECOMMENDATIONS Prevention is the key Brush twice daily Floss daily See a dentist twice yearly – absolutely necessary! Start early!
2700 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, CA PADW (7239)