Thomas Aquinas ( )
Saint Anselm ( ) “It seems to me a case of negligence if, after becoming firm in our faith, we do not strive to understand what we believe.”
The University of Paris
Hugh of Saint Victor ( ) “Learn everything, later you will see that nothing is superfluous.”
Saint Albert the Great ( )
Saint Dominic ( )
Thomas Aquinas had a joyful and world-affirming attitude toward his studies and how he saw them fitting into a life of faith.
Thomas Aquinas taught that the world must be good since God gave it its existence.
The rationality of Thomas Aquinas was always in a a certain tension with his mystical understanding.”
“… such things have been revealed to me that all that I have written seems to me as so much straw.”
Aquinas converted and baptized Aristotle, but at the same time Aquinas converted medieval Christianity to Aristotle and the values Aristotle represented.