Education – 17 August 2011 HUMANITARIAN ACTION COMMITTEE MEETING - LIBERIA SECTORAL UPDATE IRC distribution in Yeaplay (Logwato border)
PROGRESS education sector NIMBA Along Butuo axis (host communities – including border) 1100 ECCD children enrolled 50% attendance on average 2850 Primary school enrolled 40% attendance recorded Logwato Axis (host communities – including border) 1829 Primary school enrolled 60% attendance recorded 2000 text books distributed. Routine recreational activities provided to 788 Ivorian and Liberian children. In Bahn camp, 827 primary and 137 children (3-5) attended school and ECD services. 100% children reached with Ivorian text- books, 70% children provided with school uniforms Attendance rates 90% to 100% In Gborplay axis: Ivorian schools closed
PROGRESS education sector GRAND GEDEH 6,700 refugee primary school children in school Ivorian and Liberian children reached with ECD services. In Zwedru – 100% (460) urban refugees enrolled in school attendance 45% 2 partners (VIA, and IEDA) identified to provide VOCATIONAL TRAINING for Ivorian and Liberian out of school youth 12 to 25 years in Solo camp, Dougee camp, and 10 host communities Target 4,000 youth MARYLAND 800 Ivorian children from Little Wlebo camp attending primary school. In Harper City 467 urban refugee children attending primary school 4 gov. school buildings. Registration of students ongoing in Pleebo, Cavalla, Yookudi Teacher testing/selection ongoing in all locations, including Little Wlebo.
PROGRESS education sector RIVER GEE Education needs assessment in locations with 500+ refugees -1,700 children did not access education since their arrival -Government school buildings available for double shift -Education is a top priority for communities -Serious child labor issues also even among Liberians (no enrollment in 6 th grade!) Prepositioning of education materials/books ongoing in Fishtown/Tarloken MOE/community mobilized in locations for enrollment of Ivorian children in primary school Partner (VIA) identified to cover Primary, ECD, Youth education
CHALLENGES education sector Central: need a MOE guidelines to implement Accelerated Learning Programs for 2 years in the 2011/12 school year (starting 30 Aug) In Grand Gedeh Relocations from Zwedru and Janson to PTP camp from 6 Sept will affect attendance Status of PTP camp school renovation/WASH before relocations In all counties Relocations and food distribution partners do not know when they will happen FOOD distribution in schools (disrupts education activities) Lack of school feeding affects attendance protection concern
WAY FORWARD education sector MOE to provide GUIDELINES for ALP implementation from August 30 Request to share relocation plans and food distribution plan with UNICEF via Sayaka Usui and SCUK via Chester Shaba UNICEF advocates for accelerated school construction in all camps SCHOOL FEEDING for REFUGEES attending ECD and PRIMARY in camps and HC Requested from 30 August