Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Košice, Slovakia EUA Doctoral Programme Project SWOT analysis on Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes) Eva Čellárová,


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Presentation transcript:

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Košice, Slovakia EUA Doctoral Programme Project SWOT analysis on Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes) Eva Čellárová, Professor of Genetics in charge of international relations

Ten principles The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. At the same time it is recognised that doctoral training must increasingly meet the needs of an employment market that is wider than academia Embedding in institutional strategies and policies: universities as institutions need to assume responsibility for ensuring that the doctoral programmes and research training they offer are designed to meet new challenges and include appropriate professional career development opportunities The importance of diversity: the rich diversity of doctoral programmes in Europe - including joint doctorates - is a strength which has to be underpinned by quality and sound practice

Doctoral candidates as early stage researchers: should be recognized as professionals – with commensurate rights - who make a key contribution to the creation of new knowledge The crucial role of supervision and assessment: in respect of individual doctoral candidates, arrangements for supervision and assessment should be based on a transparent contractual framework of shared responsibilities between doctoral candidates, supervisors and the institution (and where appropriate including other partners) Achieving critical mass: Doctoral programmes should seek to achieve critical mass and should draw on different types of innovative practice being introduced in universities across Europe, bearing in mind that different solutions may be appropriate to different contexts and in particular across larger and smallerEuropean countries. These range from graduate schools in major universities to international, national and regional collaboration between universities.

Duration: doctoral programmes should operate within an appropriate time duration (three to four years full-time as a rule). The promotion of innovative structures: to meet the challenge of interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills Increasing mobility: Doctoral programmes should seek to offer geographical as well as interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility and international collaboration within an integrated framework of cooperation between universities and other partners. Ensuring appropriate funding: the development of quality doctoral programmes and the successful completion by doctoral candidates requires appropriate and sustainable funding.

Doctoral study in the institutional context Role of supervisor  The supervisors are selected from Professors and Associate Professors with relevant international experience and reputation in a particular field of science and are approved by Scientific Board of the Faculty/University  The role of supervisor: creation of proper conditions for creative work (infrastructure, sufficient funds...) preparation of individual study programme allocation and approval of credits preparation of periodical assessment preparation of study plan abroad preparation of supervisor´s report etc.

Doctoral study in the institutional context Institutional quality supporting tools University research grant system for doctoral students and young scientists University Centres of Excellence (in progress) participation of the University in EUA Doctoral programmes network successful project application on quality enhancement of doctoral study to receive financial support from European social fund (human resources) organisation of scientific events (conferences for doctoral students, seminars...) wide choice of lectures complementary to the research topic (ethics in science, management, ECDL, philosophy,...)

Doctoral study in the institutional context Monitoring of the processes Supervisor monitors the progress in individual or team research work of a doctoral student, continual learning in the particular field of science, ability of taking part in formulation of scientific problems and formulation of hypotheses, searching for relevant methods to achieve to scientific goals, synthesis of research results and preparation of scientific outputs Vice dean/vice rector and Scientific Board monitor the process annually and from the long-term point of view (success rate of completion of doctoral study in time, success rate of supervisors, success rate across fields of study...)

Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes)

External  The support from the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic reflects an effort to achieve higher number of PhD. graduates.  Ministry of education of the Slovak Republic gives the University a financial award for each doctoral student who successfully completed PhD. degree.  The commissions for dissertation exams that are approved by the chairman of the national Board of experts and named by the Dean consist of experts from and outside the University.  The commission for PhD. thesis defence is suggested by chairman of the national Board of experts from the members of this Board and named by the Dean.

Internal  The number of accredited/submitted for accreditation doctoral study programmes provided by the University is increasing.  The interest of graduates to continue their higher education towards the PhD. degree is currently increasing.  The Professors who guarantee doctoral study are approved by the Scientific Board of the Faculty.  The supervisors are selected from Professors and Associate Professors with relevant international experience and reputation in a particular field of science and are approved by Scientific Board of the Faculty.  The study programmes for full-time PhD. students and part-time PhD. students lasting 4 and 5 academic years, respectively are divided into learning (1/3) and research (2/3) part and enable transfer and accumulation of credits.

Internal  The Scientific Board of the Faculty which provides doctoral study programmes assesses annually the level of doctoral study from the view point of long-term trends.  The Scientific Board of the Faculty which provides doctoral study programmes assesses annually study programme of each doctoral student.  This assessment is prepared and signed by supervisor and a guarantee.  The PhD. student has to earn experience in research and education by individual or team research work, continual learning in the particular field of science, teaching up to 4 hours per week, scientific presentations at seminars and conferences, participation in international collaboration, taking part in formulation of scientific problems and formulation of hypotheses, searching for relevant methods to achieve to scientific goals, synthesis of research results and preparation of scientific outputs, publishing.

Internal  PhD. students of the experimental fields of science should usually have published at least 2 papers in current contents journals (or indexed in other international databases) along with other outputs.  The PhD. graduates are successful in earning the postdoc positions abroad.  ECTS in doctoral study.  AIS in doctoral study.

of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University with regard to the network theme based on comparison of annual reports during last 10 years Increasing number of accredited/submitted for accreditation doctoral study programmes provided by the University and currently increasing interest of graduates to continue their higher education towards the PhD. degree and high chance to obtain postoc position abroad; ECTS; AIS

Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes)

External  The national act on higher education allows creation of the University Board of experts instead of the national Board of experts which may result in quality decrease.  The continuation of the national Boards of experts lies on the particular scientific community.

Internal  Creation of great number of new PhD. study programmes at faculties without relevant scientific background may cause particularisation of study programmes at the University and quality decrease.  The distribution of number of doctoral study programmes is different at individual faculties. It is reflecting the personal potential as well as interest of graduates.  An insufficient interest for full-time PhD. study was evident especially at Faculty of Law due to limited number of doctoral study programmes and low financial support.  Persisting problems in completing the part-time PhD. study is at Faculty of Medicine in clinical disciplines. There is a conflict between further education in medicine and a doctoral study.

Internal  According to the national act on higher education each University teacher should be involved in a part-time doctoral study. However, senior teachers who have a contract with the University for unlimited period of time are usually not interested in or are not able to complete doctoral study. This would lead to decrease of quality of education.  The success rate in completing doctoral study varies among particular fields of science.  The best doctoral students sometimes leave for abroad and complete their PhD. thesis at host University. This partially also contributes to a decrease of success rate.

of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University with regard to the network theme based on comparison of annual reports during last 10 years Creation of great number of new PhD. study programmes at faculties without sufficient scientific background may cause particularisation of study programmes at the University and quality decrease.

Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes)

External  To earn international experience by participation in the European research and educational mobility programmes.  Ministry of Education provides grants for development of infrastructure at universities to support doctoral study. P. J. Šafárik University belongs to the top institutions in Slovakia that are granted from this source.  Doctoral study as priority of Ministry of Education is reflected in an increasing budget for full-time students.  The salary of doctoral students is at the same level as that of Assistant Professors.  The Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) provides grants for young scientists at national level.

Internal  Creation of networks and Centres of Excellence at the University (and at national level).  Increasing number of incoming doctoral students at our University within mobility programmes or self-payers.  The University/Faculty awards yearly the best doctoral students.  The system of the University research grants for young scientists is a good motivation for doctoral students to receive grants based on successful project.

of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University with regard to the network theme based on comparison of annual reports during last 10 years Creation of networks and Centres of Excellence at the University and the of the University research grant system for young scientists as a good motivation for doctoral students to receive grants based on successful project.

Quality Structures (Cultures, Processes)

External  An ambiguous legislature regarding the position of Boards of experts. If they function at University, not at national level, it may result in quality decrease, especially at universities with a weak scientific background. Thus, the level of graduates of the same field of science from different universities would be different.  The budget that comes from Ministry of Education to the universities is based predominantly on the total number of undergraduate and graduate students and does not provide sufficient support to cover expenses for doctoral students´ work. Therefore, this problem lies fully on supervisors who have to earn money for PhD. students from grant agencies.

of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University with regard to the network theme based on comparison of annual reports during last 10 years Is there a will to create Research universities?

Effort towards creation of „Research Universities“ with special attention at doctoral study University Centres of Excellence Integrated University doctoral programmes Department of doctoral study at University level? Increasing success rate

PhD and what´s next? Increasing quality of human resources Research-oriented graduates – beginning of the standard academic career Do the private and/or public sectors formally recognise PhD degree? Do the PhD graduates have better chance on labour market?

Topics for further discussion Role of supervisor Role of supervisor Creative environment Creative environment University potential – education offer and research facilities University potential – education offer and research facilities Organisation and structures Organisation and structures Academic career Academic career

My „doctoral“ background 7 doctoral graduates since ; 2 doctoral students at present; Guarantor of PhD study programme in Genetics at P. J. Šafárik University, chair of Commission of experts in Genetics; Member of commission of experts at Comenius University in Bratislava for PhD study in Genetics and Genetoxicology Member of national Board of experts for PhD study (Genetics, General Biology, Plant physiology, Pharmacognosy)