Professional Doctorates in the Built Environment: How Higher Education is Responding to the Changing Needs of Industry & the Professions Paul Chynoweth
CREDIT LEVELS FHEQ LEVEL FHEQ LEVEL TITLE QUALIFICATIONS 4CCertificateCertificates of Higher Education 5IIntermediateFoundation Degrees, Ordinary (Bachelors) Degrees, Diplomas of Higher Education and other higher diplomas 6HHonoursBachelors Degrees with Honours, Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas 7MMastersMasters Degrees, Postgraduate Certificates and Postgraduate Diplomas 8DDoctoralDoctorates The doctoral qualification….. …the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research, or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication. (QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications) …..and the role of the PhD
Changing requirements for doctoral education….. Criticisms of the UK PhD in the 1990s Increasing complexity of the working environment Requirements of the professional institutions Increasing demand for higher academic qualifications …..and the response by Higher Education
Higher Doctorates Eg. LLD, D.Litt, DSc Honorary Doctorates FHEQ Doctorates Practice-based Doctorates Eg. DMus “Traditional” PhD Research Doctorates PhD by Publications MDProfessional Doctorates “Taught” Doctorates New Route PhD“MERIT” (Salford) EngD Doctorates in Professional Practice DBEnvEdDDBADNurseDClinPsych DProf / PrDOthers
Higher Doctorates Eg. LLD, D.Litt, DSc Honorary Doctorates FHEQ Doctorates Practice-based Doctorates Eg. DMus “Traditional” PhD Research Doctorates PhD by Publications MDProfessional Doctorates “Taught” Doctorates New Route PhD“MERIT” (Salford) EngD Doctorates in Professional Practice DBEnvEdDDBADNurseDClinPsych DProf / PrDOthers First professional doctorates appeared in the UK in 1992 By 2005, 186 programmes across 51 universities (with 27 more in the course of development)
Professional Doctorates: Defining Characteristics Aimed at the “scholarly professional”- not the professional scholar Workplace based students / part-time study Part of a cohort with fellow professionals Research conducted within student’s areas of expertise High levels of initial support (typically through a “taught” element) Programme should “unlock” students’ tacit professional knowledge Use of experiential learning / reflective practice / action learning Outputs will typically be applied research / action research Patterns of assessment may differ from PhD
Professional Doctorates in the Built Environment INSTITUTIONAWARDABBREVIATION University of SalfordDoctorate in the Built Environment DBEnv University of the West of England Doctorate in the Built Environment DBEnv University of Northumbria Doctorate in the Built Environment DBE Anglia Ruskin UniversityProfessional Doctorate in the Built Environment PrD
The Salford Programme
Stage 1 Stage 2 Academic & Professional Knowledge in the Built Environment (30 credits) Knowledge Development through Reflective Practice (30 credits) Practice-based Theoretical Study (30 credits) Research Approaches & Methodologies in Built Environment Practice (30 credits) Year 1 Year 2 Preliminary Practice-based Investigation (60 credits) (15, ,000 word dissertation + transfer report) MSc/MRes [EXIT AWARD with option to rejoin programme within 3 years] 180 credits PgDip [EXIT AWARD] 120 credits PgCert [EXIT AWARD] 60 credits Transfer Assessment (24 – 30 months) Year 3 Practice-based Research Project (Not credit-rated) Year 5 Doctor of the Built Environment [FINAL AWARD] Practice-based Research Project (Not credit-rated) 35,000 – 50,000 word thesis, portfolio & viva voce (Minimum 60 months) Internal Evaluation (44 – 50 months) Year 4 Practice-based Research Project (Not credit-rated) Presentation of thesis on recommendation of supervisor