1. Faxes A fax (short for facsimile and sometimes called telecopying) is a device that can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Faxes A fax (short for facsimile and sometimes called telecopying) is a device that can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line.

1.1 Characteristics of Faxes (1) The fax is a digital form, and the information is transmitted as electrical signals through the telephone system. The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image and prints a paper copy of the document. (2) Fax machines are convenient and simple to use, all you need to operate is a telephone. When you are sending a message, you just need dial the telephone number at the receiving terminal and push the transmit button.

(3) Fax machines have no keyboard, so you should prepare the message on a typewriter, computer, or word processor and add any graphics before putting the finished document on the fax machine. (4) Fax can be communicated as fast as international phone call and telex. It is a 24-hour service and the message can be received unattended. (5) Compared with the telegram and telex, the language in a fax is just the same as a letter, it does not need to use abbreviations.

1.2 Charge of Faxes Since the fax has its own scanner and printer, and it is operated by a telephone. The charge is depended on the time a message is printed. The transmission of one page is cheaper than telex.

1.3 Layout of a Fax A fax consists of two parts: fax heading and fax body. The body of a fax may follow the layout of a formal business letter, it ends with the signature of the sender, but unlike a letter, the salutation and complimentary close are normally omitted. Fax heading usually includes the following parts: Recipient’s name/title Company name of recipient Sender’s name/title Date of sending Fax number Subject line Number of pages

2. s stands for “electronic mail”; it is a method of composing, sending, storing, and receiving messages over electronic communication systems. With the wide use of the Internet and the development of the electronic business, most people like to do business on the net and is widely used in modern business circles.

2.1. Characteristics of s (1) is the most effective means of transmitting messages through the computer net work, and it makes you get the message in a few seconds and reply at once as if you are having a conversation on the phone. (2) If you want to use the , you must have an e- mail address. This address must have letters and dots and a (meaning “at”). This is what an address looks like: star.net. You can write a message, type in the receiver’s address, and then send the message across the Internet. People don’t need to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet.

(3) messages can be stored in the computer system, if the users do not cancel them. (4) An is to be brief, clear and to the point and it should fit into one screen. If you want to send long or complex documents, you should attach them to the message. (5) An e -mail is much less formal than a written letter. s are usually short and concise, abbreviated verb forms (He’s, We’re, He’d, etc.) can be used here. A simple “Hello” is adequate if you are writing to someone you don’t know. When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person.

2.2. Charge of an is much quicker and cheaper than sending an ordinary letter. The receiver only need a computer equipment to accept one’s message, once the equipment is in place, there are usually savings in copying, long-distant delivery, and other traditional costs.

2.3. Layout of an messages do not have an all-agreed-upon format yet; most messages contain the following parts: To: the receiver’s Box (收件人) From: the sender’s Box (寄件人) Cc: Courtesy or Carbon Copy (被抄送人) Bcc: Blind Carbon Copy (被暗抄人) Subject (事由) Body (主体部分) Signature (签名) Attachments ( 添加附件处 )

外发的邮件 收件人 抄送 密送 事由 正文 添加附件处

接收的邮件 正文 发件人 收件人 抄送人 事由 日期 附件

Answer of Exercises 1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English. (1) As we mentioned, unless the L/C is opened in time ( 及时开出信用证 ), we will have to quote you a new price. (2) Please complete and return the form to us, we can process your application immediately ( 马 上处理你的申请 ).

(3) As final deadline has passed ( 最后期限已 过 ), your prompt confirmation would be highly appreciated. (4) It would be very much appreciated ( 非常感 谢 ) if you would kindly arrange to meet with us. (5) We are told that your company provides high quality goods and services ( 高质量的货物与 服务 ) at a reasonable cost.

2. Read the following sentences and try to find out the mistakes and make corrections. There is one mistake in each sentence. (1) It was a pleasure meet you this week and learning of your corporation with us. meet → meeting (2) As large dealers in canned food, we believe there is a promised market in our area. promised→ promising

(3) Providing quality customer service is a major priory of our company. priory →priority (4) If you have any interests in purchase Sweden food, please feel free to contact us. purchase→ purchasing (5) Quotation and samples will be sent upon receive of your special enquires receive→ receipt

3. Translate the following sentences. Part I Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 货物将在收到信用证后一周内装船。 Shipment is to be made within 7 days/a week after receipt of the L/C. (2) 我刚刚得知您对我们的推广项目很感 兴趣。 I’ve just learned of your interest in our promoting project.

(3) 在浏览了贵公司的网页之后,我们发现你方有 意与我公司建立直接的商业合作。 After browsing your company’s web page, we found that you desire to establish direct business relations with us. (4) 我们目前正在寻求代理商,如果您有意合作, 请速与我联系。 We are currently seeking agencies to represent us, should you feel inclined to discuss opportunities for cooperation, feel free to contact me. (5) 我公司在全世界都有代理商。 We have agencies throughout the world.

Part II Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) I am scheduled to visit Australia on business at the end of this month and wish to call on you at your office on that occasion. 我计划于本月底对澳大利亚进行商务访问,希望 到时能在您的办公室见面。 (2) I am writing to inquire about establishing business relations between you and my company. 我写信询问双方公司建立贸易关系的事宜。 (3) We would appreciate it if you could send us your latest sales catalog for our review. 如你方寄来最新销售目录供我方参考, 我方将不甚 感激。

(4) China Merchandise Company is one of the largest international exporters of Chinese goods. 中国商品贸易公司是最大的中国商品国际 出口商之一。 (5) Although we export large quantities to Europe and North America, we have not yet to establish distribution channels in the Asia Pacific. 尽管我公司产品大量出口至欧洲和北美,但 是还没有在亚太地区建立销售渠道。

4. Translate the following and fax. Part I Translate the following into English. From: To: Date: Subject: Thanks and Catalogue Dear Mr. Lin, Thanks for your quick reply. We are not going to participate the Fair this year. Could you send us your catalogues? Thanks for your attention to this. Best regards. Hong Li

Part II Translate the following Fax into Chinese 收件人: XX 公司 经办人:瑞奇尔 · 哈里森女士 发件人: S· 马丁先生 日期: 2007 年 3 月 12 日 传真号: 参考号: DM 页码: 1 主题 : 优待卡申请 哈里森女士: 感谢您五月一日所寄信件。 谨此通知您申请优待卡的情况。 我方已仔细核查了记录,我方于五月四日收到您的申请信函,但没有收到支 票。 如果您能寄来支票,我方将立即赠予您优待卡。您有任何疑问请拨电话 。 我方期待您的回复。 客户关系经理 S· 马丁 谨上