PROGRESS education sector NIMBA In Bahn Camp+16 HCs, sector partners currently reaching 4,936 refugees with primary school services/recreational activities and 686 with ECD services. New school construction completed in Bahn camp with 866 students. 9 refugee teachers/9 caregivers identified, training ongoing. 45 sets of Ivorian School Curricula guide distributed. GRAND GEDEH 3,287 refugees reached with primary school services /education supplies/ECD services. Duogoee Camp School newly opened with registration of 991 students. MARYLAND 280 Ivorian children from Little Wlebo camp attending classes in Government school next to camp. In Harper City 6 schools hosting 900 urban refugee children. VIA now in Maryland distribution of textbooks/education supplies on going
CHALLENGES education sector Road accessibility affecting effective programming /delivery of supplies/regular monitoring Shortage of qualified teacheers/teachers absenteeism low quality of teaching/learning, causing closure of classes Drop in attendance figures /irregular attendance in ECD centers/ primary schools in some host communities shortage of food/low awareness among parents/community Population still fluid all all counties adaptation by IPs Slow movement of pre-positioned supplies New government policy awaited influnces strategies
WAY FORWARD education sector Continued advocacy on road accessibility/maintenance Identification/training of teachers /refresher training Use key findings from Rapid Joint Needs assessments/partners assessments for EHAP evidence-based programming Use updated UNHCR figures and new government policy for programming UNICEF to move supplies from warehouses accelerate supply distribution to reach children Sensitization Day on The protective role of Education in Emergencies MOE/Edu-Cp sectors 8 June, Monrovia EIE training 14 June, in Grand Gedeh (Zwedru) Formal and Non-formal education at Border in Nimba NON FORMAL EDUCATION TASK FORCE – MAPPING/HARMONIZATION (work in progress)
Partners MOE Save the Children UK Plan International Rescue Committee Visions in Action LRRRC IBIS Foundation UNICEF UNHCR UNESCO WFP Finnish Church Aid COHDA CAP EHUD Foundation