An Introduction to the Powerful Social Network and What it Means for Your Business
Facebook 101 ○ What is Facebook? ○ Benefits of Facebook for your Business ○ Anatomy of a Facebook Page ○ Facebook Insights – Powerful Metrics for Your Business Page ○ Personal Profile vs. Business Page…What’s the difference? ○ Facebook Pages vs. Groups ○ Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Content
What is Facebook? ○ A social networking service that allows users to connect with friends and businesses ○ Users can share content, links, photos and videos ○ Ability to comment on others’ activity ○ Personal Profiles for People and Fan Pages for Businesses
Business Benefits of Facebook ○ Low Cost (Yay!) ○ Fans can receive updates about your business through your page ○ Engage with fans of your business page by uploading photos and videos as well as comment on your page ○ When fans engage with you on your page, their activity shows up in the News Feeds of their friends ○ Can leverage content from other social media platforms
Anatomy of a Facebook Business Page ACBFGED A. Top/Admin Navigation Bar: This is where most of the features important to Page Administrators exist. B. Cover Image: Your cover image should be a simple, high- quality image that represents what your business does. It is best to keep text to a minimum and positioned towards the top of the image otherwise it may become illegible on certain mobile devices (851 pixels wide x 315 pixels high). C. Profile Picture: Your profile picture should be an image very specific to your brand such as a logo. (160 pixels wide by 160 pixels high). D. User Action Buttons: Your Page’s popularity relies on users clicking on these buttons to “Like”, “Follow” and “Share” your page as well as send you messages. E. Page Navigation Bar: Contains tabs that help Facebook users navigate your Page. Both you and your fans will make significant use of the tabs contained in this bar. F. New This Week Module: This displays a recent Page Likes and Page Reach tally, and alerts you to pending notifications and unread messages. G. Mini Timeline: Quick way for people to jump backwards and forwards to specific points in the history of your company.
Anatomy of a Facebook Business Page A. Page Tab: Takes you to your Page. Easy peasy. B. Activity Tab: Takes you to the section of your Page that lets you view all of your Page activity – such as messages and notifications. C. Insights Tab: Very important! Takes you to the part of your Page where all of your metrics are displayed. You can gain “insights” about your Page Likes, Reach, Visits, Posts and Demographics of your visitors. D. Settings: Takes you to where you can change the basic settings of your Page. You can edit information about your business, how often you receive notifications and more! A B C D Timeline Tab: Directs you and users to your “Timeline” 2. About Tab: This tab navigates users to your “About” Page where they can find out more information about your business. You can also use this tab to update information about your business Custom Tabs: This is where your page gets interesting! You can choose two other tabs to display within your Page Navigation bar.
Facebook Insights for Your Business Page Since Pages are public spaces, your engagement with Pages is also public. Facebook provides Page Insights to Page managers about people’s activity on their page. These metrics are created by logging and aggregating people’s activities related to the Page. Total Page Likes: the number of unique people who like your page. Total Reach: The number of unique people who have seen any content associated with your page, including ads, during the last 7 days. Engagement: the number of unique people who have clicked, liked, commented on or shared your posts during the last 7 days.
Facebook Insights for Your Business Page You can look at each of your posts and see which ones have the most likes, comments and shares and the least negative feedback. You can use this information to create more of the types of posts that your audience is interested in seeing.
Facebook Insights for Your Business Page The People tab of your Facebook Insights section provides demographic information of the people who like your page. This can help guide you when creating content for your page.
Personal Profile vs. Business Page Profiles are for people. Pages are for businesses. It’s basically that simple…But if want more on the subject: Profiles o Personal Profiles are for non-commercial use and represent individual people. o You can follow profiles to see public updates from people you are interested in but aren’t friends with. Pages o Pages look similar to personal profiles, but they offer unique tools for businesses, brands and organizations. o Pages are managed by people who have personal profiles. o You can Like a Page to see updates in the News Feed. Keep in mind that each person who signs up for Facebook has one account with login information. Each account can have one personal profile and manage multiple Pages.
Pages vs. Groups Pages were designed to be the official profiles for entities, such as celebrities, brands or businesses. You and every person on Facebook can connect with these pages by becoming a fan and then receive their updates in your News Feed and interact with them. Together, Pages and Groups bring even more ways for you to stay connected on Facebook. Facebook Groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion. Groups can be made publicly available for anyone to join, require administrator approval for members to join, or by kept private with entrance by invitation only. Example Page: Official Mad Men Facebook Page Example Group: Mad Men (MADdicts)
Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Content Do Don’t ○ Give your fans something new to give them a good reason to like your page. ○ Post consistently and regularly to help build a relationship. ○ Ask questions, be conversational and gather feedback. ○ Research your target audience and what sort of posts they react to. ○ Post short, snappy updates and vary your posts by using photos, videos, polls and links as well as just plain text. ○ Be aware of the times of day your fans are most likely to be on Facebook and engage with your posts. This will vary depending on the type of business, but generally speaking, the later in the day, the better. ○ Check to see what your competitors are doing and how successful it is. ○ Ask people for likes and shares. Make them want to engage and share by posting relevant and interesting things. ○ Don’t overwhelm people with your updates. Work to find the balance between how little and how often you post so you can stay connected with your audience without overwhelming their newsfeeds. ○ Don’t ignore customers that reach out to you on Facebook. Respond as quickly as you are able to when people ask questions on your page or send you a private message. ○ Don’t post similar updates over and over again.
Those are the Basics of Facebook for Your Business. Can your team handle this? If not, our Virtual Marketing Team can help! Let’s have a conversation… or