Big Listening 2010 A summary of surveys 13, 14 and 15
Background This presentation combines the results of all 3 waves of the Big Listening Survey over 2010 The Big Listening Surveys –are commissioned by the joined forces of Salford City Council and Primary Care Trust –Seeks residents feedback on community issues and Council/PCT services –3 surveys a year BL13 – March/April 2010 BL14 – July/August 2010 BL15 – October/November 2010
Methodology Postal self-completion surveys – initial mail-out + reminder Random sample from Postal Address File 7000 mailed out Average 1,440 returns, a response rate of 21% Results weighted by age/gender/ethnicity within each Community Committee area to reflect its population – and analysed for significant differences
Salford’s story: Improving trend in perceptions of the local area
Long term increasing trend in satisfaction with the local area Base: All respondents excl DK/NS – BL13 (1502), Place ’08 (2278), BL7 (1174), BVPI (1416) Q1. Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Source: Ipsos MORI
There has been a long term improvement in perceptions of antisocial behaviour Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think each of the following are? Source: Ipsos MORIBase: All respondents excluding DK/NS (see above)
Perceptions of trust and respect have improved Base: All respondents excl DK/NS – BL13 (1409) Place ’08 (2066) BL7 (1095) BVPI (1316) In your local area, how much of a problem do you think there is with people not treating each other with respect and consideration? Source: Ipsos MORI
Salford’s story: Residents feel safer
Residents also feel safer after dark Base: All respondents (excl DK/NS) – as above How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area after dark? How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area during the day? Source: Ipsos MORI
and fewer residents feel safety levels are falling Base: All respondents who have lived in the area for more than 2 years – BL13 (1426) BL10 (2285) BL7 (1064) BL4 (1067) On the whole, compared to two years ago, do you feel more safe, less safe or about the same when out in your neighbourhood? Source: Ipsos MORI
Perceptions that local agencies are successful in dealing with issues has improved Base: All respondents excl not stated (see above) So, how much would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public services seek people’s views about these issues in your local area? And how much would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public services are successfully dealing with these issues in your local area? Source: Ipsos MORI % agree BL15 35% 31% BL12 34% 26% Place 24% 22%
Salford’s story: perceptions of the Council have improved
Growing satisfaction with the Council Base: All respondents excl. DK/NS (see above) * in BL9 question asked about “satisfaction with services provided by Salford City Council” Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Salford City Council runs things? Source: Ipsos MORI % satisfied 49% 40% 34% 51%
Improving perception that the Council provides value for money Base: All respondents (1290) To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Salford City Council? Source: Ipsos MORI % agree BL12 23% 17% 12% BL15 26% 19% 16% BL9 21% 14% 15%
Perceptions of council buildings have improved over time Q11. Even if you do not go to any Council buildings, do you think council buildings generally are…? Source: Ipsos MORIBase: All respondents – BL14 (1500) BL11 (1167) BL4 (1097) Q12. And in your opinion, does this place the Council and its services in…?
Source: Ipsos MORI Contacted Salford City Council Base: All respondents – BL14 (1500) BL11 (1167) BL4 (1097) Q7. Have you contacted Salford City Council in the last 3 or 4 years? Q8. Which contact method(s) do you use to contact the Council?
Improving satisfaction with services Base: All respondents excl DK/NS – BL14/Place ’08 (see above) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the following services provided or supported by Salford City Council? Source: Ipsos MORI BL14 84% 73% 70% 68% 51% Place ‘08 75% 65% 55% 62% 46% % satisfied
Improving satisfaction with cultural facilities and activities Base: All respondents excluding not stated (see above) Q5. Please indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following services provided or supported by Salford City Council? Source: Ipsos MORI % satisfied BL12 61% 54% 48% 45% 43% BL15 71% 60% 55% 49% 45% Place 64% 43% 44% 42%* - * the wording in the Place survey was “theatres/concert halls”
Many residents are open to notion of reduced services – but not higher council tax In 2010/11 the average council tax paid in Salford is £1,019 per household. Which of the following options for next year do you feel is most appropriate? Source: Ipsos MORIBase: All respondents (see above)
Salford’s story: Key areas of improvement remain involving residents in decision making and volunteering
Only a third of residents feel they can influence local decisions Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions in your area? If you voted in the recent general or local elections, is this the first time you have done so? Base: All respondents – BL14 (1500) BL13 30% Place ‘08 24% % agree
Nationally – a static trend – despite government initiatives QDo you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area/Great Britain? Base: All valid responses from core sample in England (~8,000 surveyed per wave) Source: Citizenship Survey It is going to be very difficult to shift perceptions of influence
Volunteering static or declining over time Thinking of your neighbours, in the last year have you…? Source: Ipsos MORIBase: All respondents – BL13 (1523) BL10 (2439) BL7 (1183) BL4 (1097) Are you, or have you been in the last 12 months, a volunteer in a club, group, voluntary organisation or community group? (Unpaid & Organised)
The national citizenship survey mirrors the static trend in volunteering – little change in the last 10 years Proportion who have given any unpaid help to non-relatives in the last 12 months Base: All valid responses from core sample in England (~8,000 surveyed per wave) Source: Citizenship Survey
Most get involved to “stop” something happening…how to build on this in a positive way in next few years?
Base: 8,768 British adults, Fieldwork dates: April March 2009 People are less likely to participate in civic engagement and formal volunteering in deprived areas Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
Urban areas have less engaged communities Base: 8,768 British adults, Fieldwork dates: April March 2009
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Respondent Profile
Gender & age Q32. Are you…? Source: Ipsos MORIBase: All respondents – BL15 (1290) Q31. How old are you?
Tenure Base: All respondents – BL15 (1290) In which of these ways does your household occupy your current accommodation? Source: Ipsos MORI
Time in Salford Base: All respondents – (see above) How long have you lived in Salford? Source: Ipsos MORI
Time at current address Base: All respondents – (see above) How long have you lived at this address? Source: Ipsos MORI
General health Base: All answering (excl NS) – 2008 Place (2285) BL13 (1463) BL14 (1456) BL15 (1247) How is your health in general? Would you say it is…? Source: Ipsos MORI % good 68%