This Presentation Evening is designed to inform you about any potential threats that your children could find themselves when online. At no point is it our desire to frighten you in to preventing family members into not using the Internet.
PARENTS AWARENESS KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE AIMS To ensure that all parents are aware of how to safeguard their children on the social media sites they are using Look at an example of what can happen on social media sites when they are not protected What the school is doing to make the students aware and how to keep them safe Questions and Answers – parents concerns
What do we currently use the Internet for? Shopping Gaming Social Networking – Bebo – Facebook etc Chatting/ Online Banking Uploading images Downloading music, films, etc Watching programmes – YouTube, i-Player
What are the students using? The main Apps and websites that they use are: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM SNAPCHAT TWITTER TINDER – dating website AIRDROP – app specific to IOS devices allows anyone to send an image and the image will appear on screen
What are the dangers? Cyberbullying – THIS IS ALL TRACEABLE Viewing inappropriate Images or Content Paedophiles Opening attachments of an Viruses Grooming Gangs – CSE
What can happen Happens to boys too Traps they fall into
What do we/our children share on Social Networking sites Images of themselves that we then have no control over. Personal comments about people Inappropriate language What we are doing where we are going! Our personal details
ADVICE and TIPS Advice from parents on Google and Youtube parent guidelines Youtube safety Google parental lock
KEEP THEM SAFE Discuss with then what they are doing online Put the computer in a public room so you can monitor what they are doing. Find out more about any ‘online friends’ that they keep chatting about Ask to see they Social Networking Site Check any friends they might have – how many do they have? Make sure that all of their devices are on private and parental control
School policy and Laws School policy if you bully, write, send or create any picture on a website then you face the possibility of being excluded from school Internet bullying, Cyberbullying, Internet Safety are all taken seriously by the school and the procedures that we follow can occasionally involve the police It is also a criminal offence for you to post a picture of another person that is of sexual or offensive nature without their permission. If you send a picture of a sexual nature of another person who is under the age of 16 then you face the possibility of being arrested and also being placed on the sex offenders register. New laws involving Revenge Porn have now been put in place – this means if you are in any type of relationship and you break up, you then post pictures or videos that you had then you face the possibility again of being arrested and receiving a criminal record, and possibly a prison sentence.
REPORTING – WE CAN HELP IT IS NEVER TOO LATE Each website that you belong to will have a REPORT symbol on it and you click on this and it will take you through the procedures CEOP – this is a website that takes all of your concerned reports and they will contact you or the person who has sent in the report they deal with Child Sexual Exploitation CHILDLINE- is a national number that is displayed within the school, on line and generally in all areas where you have children THINKUKNOW – area also an online service who you can contact to ask advice and they are age appropriate for the child reporting – IN SCHOOL – Tutors/pastoral managers/student leaders/safeguarding officers or any member of staff or friend they trust – WELLBEING WEDNESDAYs at lunchtime in the interview room. Open Door Policy.
Thank you for attending this evening REMBEMBER Keep Safe & Keep Secure