are you prepared ? Disaster Ready Austin What would you do…
Smoke alarms - In and outside every room - On every floor PASS method - (pull aim squeeze sweep) FIRE SAFETY Disaster Ready Austin
FIRE SAFETY Disaster Ready Austin Smoke alarms - In and outside every room - On every floor PASS method - (pull aim squeeze sweep) Use office trash can as reference
Pick a meeting place Who are you emergency contacts? Have two escape routes from house Get involved with your neighborhood HAVE A PLAN Disaster Ready Austin
Spare change of clothing Copies of important documents in water-tight bag Electronics/essentials Stash of cash HAVE A KIT Disaster Ready Austin
7-day supply of medications Water/food (pets) - 1 gallon per person per day HAVE A KIT Disaster Ready Austin
Top Disaster Threats
Severe Weather
Hazardous Materials
Severe Weather Watches and Warnings Disaster Ready Austin
Do you know the difference ? Disaster Ready Austin
Watch Disaster Ready Austin Warning VS.
Watch Disaster Ready Austin Risk of hazardous weather Have a plan Be weather aware
Disaster Ready Austin Warning Event is imminent Threat to life/property Take action
EMERGENCY INFO Disaster Ready Austin Info on Twitter HSEM website - austintexas.gov/hsem New smartphones equipped with federal weather warning & Amber Alert system
EMERGENCY INFO Disaster Ready Austin Hand-crank radio - NOAA Weather radio, 590 KLBJ AM Regional Notification System (RNS) - wireless.capcog.org Charge hand-held devices when severe weather is forecast
How does the City help ? Disaster Ready Austin
Austin/Travis County Emergency Operations Center Disaster Ready Austin
Shelters Federal Gov’t Information Assistance Centers Disaster Ready Austin Austin/Travis County Emergency Operations Center State Gov’t
How can you help ? Disaster Ready Austin CERT – austintexas.gov/CERT Basic first aid and CPR – austintexas.gov/ems Certified in first aid and CPR – redcross.org/take-a-class
How can I help ? Disaster Ready Austin Post-Disaster Donations and Volunteering: Salvation Army - salvationarmytexas.org/austin Red Cross - redcross.org/austin
How can I help ? Disaster Ready Austin Post-Disaster Donations and Volunteering: Salvation Army - salvationarmytexas.org/austin Red Cross - redcross.org/austin
Disaster Ready Austin Disaster Ready Austin is a collaborative initiative to educate and empower residents to be prepared for emergencies and disasters. The Disaster Ready Austin vision is a unified and consistent “whole community” approach to disaster preparedness education in the City of Austin. Visit AustinTexas.gov/DisasterReadyAustin for more.