abcdefghijkl LOCAL COMPACTS Joanne Crone Scottish Executive
abcdefghijkl Scottish Executive Commitment A Partnership for a Better Scotland – political commitment Support local compacts and health relationships,
What is the Edinburgh Local Compact? “In Equal Respect: A Shared Vision” Partnership Agreement between the city’s public agencies and voluntary and community sectors Not legally binding, but an environment of mutual advantage
Why engage in the Edinburgh compact? Transparency and accountability To progress a joint agenda Joint policy and service development Co-ordination Equity
How did the Edinburgh compact develop? Joint secretariat Representation Mutual recognition Trust and group dynamics Clear aim and fixed tasks
What was the outcome? Joint Launch of Edinburgh Compact Delivery of actions identified Better policy & decision making Better policy & decision making Better planning and delivery of services Better planning and delivery of services Addressing funding and resource issues Addressing funding and resource issues Improved voluntary & community engagement Improved voluntary & community engagement Change at local & city-wide level Change at local & city-wide level Implementation of the Compact Implementation of the Compact
Local Community Gardens Project 2008 VOLUNTEERING STRATEGY: Project recruits volunteers, develops partnerships with Local schools etc COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK: Needs to know what other groups are involved in similar work to share experience SOCIAL ENTERPRISE STRATEGY: Involving people with mental health problems/and or criminal convictions to develop wasteland into sustainable organic garden FUNDING: Package of small grant funding from new Leith regeneration fund, Big Lottery,and Community Health Partnership. LOCAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP: Greenspaces a priority and new areas of ground to be developed
Scottish Compact Information Edinburgh Compact Strategy “In Equal Respect: A Shared Vision” The Scottish Compact