New from Ex Libris: Primo Central
2 Primo in a nutshell An end-user discovery and delivery solution Enables a library to offer its entire collection through a single interface, easily and intuitively Incorporates Web 2.0-inspired services Includes a full spectrum of customization options, allowing libraries to tailor the content, the display, and the services to their users needs Open and extensible; integrates with other systems and enables multiple entry point for end users
4 Searching in Primo Another Primo Deep- search compliant repository Metasearch
5 We need to move forward Users expect a single interface and an excellent response time Information providers are looking for means to promote the discoverability of their collections Technology accommodates large scale repositories and high net traffic Time to build custom mega-aggregations of scholarly materials. Wisely and carefully.
6 Wisely and carefully? Remember who the user is Build scholarly offering around institutional nucleus Help the user focus Complement searching with additional tools such as recommendations and links to related materials Provide relevant services
7 What is Primo Central? Centralized Primo index; offered by Ex Libris as a service Includes data from primary and secondary publishers and aggregators Available to all Primo customers Available to all MetaLib customers as a search target Designed to index hundreds of millions of scholarly materials
8 What is Primo Central for? Serves as a central index for scholarly materials Primarily articles and e-books, but also other materials of interest Items that are of global and regional academic significance Enables Primo to present one, blended result list Supports Primos proven high level of performance and relevance ranking quality
9 Ex Libris Manages Primo Central Hosting and ongoing maintenance Signing agreements with information providers to obtain their data Harvesting, normalizing, and adding content
10 Primo Central Content Articles, e-books, and possibly other e-content Bibliographic metadata Abstracts Full text Type of content is subject to the agreement with the information provider
12 Institutional Information Resources Local Primo Index Primo Search Local Primo Index GO
13 Another Primo Library Institutional Information Resources GO Local Primo Index Remote Primo Index Primo Search 3 rd -Party Repository Resource Accessed via API Primo Deep Search Local Primo Index
14 Another Primo Library Institutional Information Resources GO Local Primo Index Remote Primo Index Primo Metasearch Primo Link Primo Search 3 rd -Party Repository Resource Accessed via API Resources Supporting Metasearch Standards Other Resources Primo Deep Search Local Primo Index
15 Aggregated Licensed Resources Another Primo Library Institutional Information Resources GO Local Primo Index Primo Central Remote Primo Index Primo Metasearch Primo Link Primo Search 3 rd -Party Repository Resource Accessed via API Resources Supporting Metasearch Standards Other Resources Primo Deep Search Local Primo Index
16 Blended Result List A record originating from Primo Central A record originating from a local Primo index
21 Demo
26 Primo Central Library Partners Brigham Young University (United States) Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg KOBV Consortium: Humboldt University, Free University of Berlin, Mannheim University, and the Technological University, Berlin (Germany) Michiana Academic Library Consortium institutions: University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary's College, Holy Cross College, and Bethel College (United States) Oxford University (United Kingdom) University of New South Wales (Australia) Vanderbilt University (United States) Yonsei University (South Korea)
27 American Institute of Physics (AIP) AIP Scitation partners including SIAM, SPIE & 17 others Alexander Street Press American Institute of Physics American Psychological Association (APA) BioMedCentral BMJ Publishing Group Cambridge University Press Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) EBSCO Emerald Press Hindawi Publishing Corporation and Informit Ingram Digital IOP Publishing (Institute of Physics) JSTOR Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) Library of Congress OECD Publishing Technology Project MUSE (The Johns Hopkins University Press) Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) University of Chicago Press Publishers already on board (Dec. 14, 09)
28 Primo Central: Summing up Provides a feasible, cost-effective method for making remote resources seamlessly searchable by end users Builds on Primo search architecture to provide a complete search environment Enables an institution to control the search environment it provides to its users Enhanced by SFX and bX to best support users quest for information Hosted in a Cloud environment Beta: end of 2009; general availability: mid 2010
29 For more information: Maciej Dziubecki