MACC to the future Greater Manchester and GMCVO Alex Whinnom Director, GMCVO 20 th September 2012
2, c1, , ,376 (2010) Total: c11,000 80% < 5 staff 50% < £5k pa GM/c VOLUNTARY SECTOR
GMCVO Registered charity and company est 1975 Membership organisation with a board of trustees Covers the Greater Manchester city region Supports local voluntary action, working in partnership with other support organisations and with the public and private sectors.
Values Locality – Equality - Collaboration Vision A str on g, div ers e an d infl ue nti al vol unt ary se cto r in Gr eat er Ma nc he ste r Mission To support local voluntary action through Support, Knowledge, Voice, Infrastructure and Innovation
Support Helping and developing local voluntary organisations – building the strength, capacity and diversity of organisations and their people, focusing on providing specialist and innovative services best offered at Greater Manchester level
Knowledge Building intelligence and understanding of and for the voluntary sector – carrying out research, collecting and disseminating information and ideas and promoting the local voluntary sector and its contribution to Greater Manchester
Voice Enabling voluntary organisations to be heard and to influence - enabling the views and needs of local voluntary groups to be expressed and shared widely and to influence policy and practice
Infrastructure Co-ordinating and developing support services for voluntary organisations – working with existing support organisations and providers, and developing new kinds of infrastructure to meet new needs
Innovation Trying new ideas and exploring new opportunities
Formal Partnerships and Reach 2011/12 c3,000 groups pa actively engaged 2,612 newsletter subscriptions 9,129 visitors to St Thomas Centre 1,537 members of policy networks 7,417 face-to-face interventions with GM/c groups 12,900 contacts 400 members of GMCVO 286 members of Combine (community building managers) 226 members of VS research network GMCVO GM Voluntary Sector Support Partnership GM CVS (MOU) Volunteering GM GM Learning Partnership Converge (GM Wellbeing Consortium) GM Equalities and Human Rights Parliament GM BME Network NW Infrastructure Partnership Core Cities Group Private Sector Liaison Group
Links with City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Public Sector Reform Executive –Whole Place core team Employment and Skills Partnership Transport for Greater Manchester New Economy Public Protection Commission (>> Police and Crime Board) –Transforming Justice / Reducing Reoffending Executive GM Police Authority (>> Police and Crime Commissioner) NHS Commissioning Care Group NHS Large Scale Change Board Environment Commission Individual Local Authorities GM Probation Trust
GMCVO Priorities 2011 >>> Provide Voluntary Sector Leadership, Co-ordination and Communications at GM level Support Public Service Reform and Community Budgets by enabling local voluntary organisations to contribute to public service delivery on a large scale Increase Volunteering across all voluntary and public sectors Support Economic Regeneration and Localism agenda by inspiring a new wave of community enterprise Support the delivery of the Community Transport element of the TfGM’s bid to Sustainable Transport Fund Co-ordinate and develop initiatives to address finance, food and fuel poverty Support the GM Climate Change Strategy, Low Carbon Challenge and Green Deal by undertaking large scale retrofit of community and faith buildings Run St Thomas Centre as a successful social enterprise; a hub and showcase for the GM voluntary sector Further develop our successful ICT Enterprise, constituting it as a subsidiary business promoting Open Source
Some current initiatives – e.g. Whole Place community budgets Greater Manchester AddVentures Generating Success Volunteering Greater Manchester Talent Match development Rochdale food pilot
Current services Websites – newsletters - policy journal - accredited management and specialist training – consultancy (e.g. enterprise, formal partnerships, governance) - peer networks - project development - support for community enterprises and hubs - database development - research - conferences and events - St Thomas Centre – VSS resources
Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation Alex Whinnom: St Thomas Centre Ardwick Green North Manchester M12 6FZ Registered Charity No Company Ltd. by Guarantee No Funded by AGMA