City population of 88,000 Council workforce of 800+ Customer Service calls of 300,000 plus Strategic Priorities Sustainable growth Improved quality of life Enhanced social justice An excellent democratic council HOW TO MAKE APPRENTICESHIPS WORK FOR YOU – IAN Mc BRIDE
Some figures: Only 8% of Local Government workforce is under 25 (0.3% apprentices) City Council has 19% (29% under 30) More than 50% of under 30s are current or former apprentices Over 60% of all apprentices ever recruited still work for the Council HOW TO MAKE APPRENTICESHIPS WORK FOR YOU
City Council apprenticeship scheme operating since 1995 – when no employees under 25 Currently recruit around 20 apprentices each year 251 employed since programme began Recently achieving over 80% completion rates
HOW TO MAKE APPRENTICESHIPS WORK FOR YOU KEYS TO SUSTAINABILITY Good partnership working Organisational Capacity Engaging line managers Organisational policy eg. Supernumerary posts, pay Real Work Added Value Career development Opportunities
Business Benefits Strategic fit Workforce planning and development Financial Diversity Learning culture Profile and reputation HOW TO MAKE APPRENTICESHIPS WORK FOR YOU
THE PRACTICAL APPROACH TO ADMINISTRATION APPRENTICES Co-ordination of the scheme: Jane Newman Opportunities for two way development: David Brown The ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) team integration ASB Coordinator –Angie Beal Supervisor/Assessor/Coach/Trainer ASB Case Officer – Sarah Hall ASB Support Assistant– Sam Barstow (East Midlands Apprentice of the Year 2008) Mentor/Coach ASB Apprentice – Joel Dowse
CO-ORDINATION OF THE SCHEME JANE NEWMAN Practical Applications of the scheme: WBL Officer enables effective external communications with Lincoln College. The special partnership agreement with Lincoln College supplements the Council, enables a culture of individually designed programmes for learners and enhances mutual development Apprentices are placed across all four Council directorates Other employees are encouraged to undertake Apprenticeships/Advanced Apprenticeships as part of their continued professional development Each apprentice has a supervisor, assessor and a mentor All apprentices access the Corporate training programme “Apprentices” are involved with wider agendas such as the Positive About Young People quality award
EMPOWERING APPRENTICES DAVID BROWN My Story So Far Level 3 Fast Track Opportunities for 2 way development –these are provided for us to make an immediate and positive contribution Skills before, during and after Now -Providing development options to facilitate securing our long term futures
A QUALIFIED AND VIBRANT WORKFORCE – SARAH HALL My Story So Far My development Formal learning Informal learning- internal and external Volunteering Opportunities Ongoing training Learning by Doing Personal
MENTORING AND COACHING SAM BARSTOW My Story So Far My Mentor Role at the City of Lincoln Council The promotion of mentoring and coaching to new recruits There is a complete cycle at the Council where many of the apprentices move into permanent positions and more senior roles, but continue to support the new apprentices. Several have become apprentice supervisors +/or in house assessors
VOICE OF YOUTH – JOEL DOWSE My Story So Far Volunteering Opportunities Team training, meeting sessions, group support and social activity Chatterbox Newsletter Meetings with Councillors: Regular time to meet as a group to discuss relevant issues with senior officers and with the elected portfolio holder for Social Inclusion This has allowed us to unite as a group and make our voice heard
PROMOTING THE SCHEME DAVID BROWN Regular Meetings:. These have allowed the Council to set its priorities and build its services around meaningful consultation with us Presentations: The group deliver presentations internally and externally to raise awareness of apprenticeships and the value they can offer to all parties Schools, Other employers, Community events Open days: We plan, implement and host City of Lincoln Council events including Apprenticeship Recruitment Open Days
OPPORTUNITIES AND THE FUTURE JANE NEWMAN Opportunities: Co-ordinated Skills match Learner and Council career match. Growing our own to match our needs Skills and Vocational development The Future: Broadening the scheme and options Improved Public Sector collaboration Craft Apprenticeship Scheme Apprentices in the Community Sharing good practice and raising awareness of the scheme
CONCLUSION Strategic View Statistics Our Scheme Business Case Practical Application Co-ordination 2 Way Development Our Workforce Mentoring & Coaching Voice of the Youth Aims of today: To share with you how we make our apprenticeship scheme work for us
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