Department of the general and ethnic pedagogics
Transformation in world-class research university tasks: development and strengthening of research activity of chair and teachers, expansions of postgraduate education (doctoral studies), Extension of terms of the international accreditation of AQA, creations of research laboratories on chair and faculty; creation of the ethnopedagogical museum; Improvement and development of innovations in training; strengthenings of a practical orientation of training of graduates; Development of educational work of PTS of chair, faculty and higher education institution.
Expansion of reception of postgraduate education Bachelor degree 5B – Pedagogics and psychology Magistracy 6M – Pedagogics and psychology Doctoral studies of PhD 6D – Pedagogics and psychology Bachelor degree 5B – Social pedagogics and self-cognition Doctoral studies of PhD 6D – Social pedagogics and self-cognition Magistracy 6M – Social pedagogics and self-cognition Doctoral studies of PhD 6D – The pedagogical measurement Magistracy 6M – The pedagogical measurement Perspective
Educational actions of department of the general and ethnic pedagogics ( a. y., 1 half-year) «Айналанды нұрландыр» ( actions in orphanages, schools, university ) 18 Cult of a sound body 4 « 100 books » 2 «Green Campus» 2