Criteria age: 18 – 30 duration : between 2-12 month
Sending volunteers in KERIC Information meeting in KERIC Motivation letter and CV in English Application form to the hosting organisation If the project is accepted – other preparation meeting in KERIC During EVS – providing support, keep in contact Meeting in Keric – final training / evaluation
Where ?
Programme Countries Member states of EU + Iceland –Liechtenstein – Norway- Turkey PARTNER COUNTRY : Eastern Europe and Caucasus South East Europe Mediterranean Partner Countries Other Partners countries of the world
Which project? EURÓPE: Database of accredited organisation s/aod/hei_list_from_query.cfm More choice of project Project can start earlier Less cultural differences More support of NA LAT. AMERIKA a AFRIKA: Project start 6 month after Lower life style Cultural differences Geografical distance Language No support of NA EVS are not holidays
Project support 90% of travel cost Preparation Accomodation Food Pocket money Insurance Programme activity
Deadlines 1. februar 1. Maj 1. October
What you get? New ideas for the futurNew ideas for the futur Foreign languageForeign language Discorv new countryDiscorv new country New peopleNew people »local »Differents volunteers Professional experiencesProfessional experiences IndependanceIndependance YOUTHPASSYOUTHPASS
Hosting volunteer in KERIC BEFORE THE ARRIVAL Important communication with the HO and V Prepare to the environment (accomodation, city, weather, language..) Guive contact of others volunteers Organise the welcome: who will wait, bring to the accomodation.. DURING THE EVS Help to find contact of others volunteers Contact of „important persons“ Introduce the V. with environment, mentor, workers.. Birthday Specifical information accord to the interest of the V. Inform about the cultural event in Slovakia BEFORE THE DEPARTURE Final report – youthpass.. Bye bye Party Contact with SO
Aktuálne projekty v Európe Databáza akreditovaných organizácií (potrebné pozvanie od KERICu ako vysielajúcej organizácie)
EVS Program Youth in action: NA programu MvA Búdkova Bratislava
Thanks for your attention