Youth Support Service Plan
Why do we need a plan? We are a new service following the amalgamation of the Youth Offending Team and the former York Young People’s Service Our role has changed significantly in the way we deliver services to young people Stronger emphasis on targeted support to those most in need coupled with a role to support other sectors to deliver services to young people in the City We need to publicise and promote new initiatives and support creative working with partners in the City We need to be accountable and show that we are improving the lives and life chances of young people in the City and that we are supporting them to access things to do and places to go 06/08/2012 v62
The Youth Offer for York can be summarised as follows: “Support for all York young people to enjoy happy healthy and safe teenage years that will prepare them well for adult life and enable them to fulfil their potential; early personal support and direction to young people at risk of social exclusion or risky lifestyles.”
What will be in the plan? It will be based on achieving positive outcomes for young people. It will show what we as a service will provide either directly to young people or in support to services who work with young people. It will be written in conjunction with partners across all sectors. Stated outcomes will be measurable and we will be accountable for achieving them. It will centre on what young people want and what young people need 06/08/2012 v64
We will aim to have a number of stated outcomes covering all areas of our work including: statutory youth justice, advice & guidance for young people in relation to education, training & employment Drop in services in relation to health, housing & benefits etc Access to counselling services Targeted personal support for those who need it Provision of volunteers including mentors Voice and Influence of young people Support for the voluntary, community & faith sectors 06/08/2012 v65
What will the plan look like? An overarching statement of our purpose or vision in relation to young people in the city. A range of individual outcomes supported by contextual information such as “what we know, what we currently do and what we need to do differently or better in the future”. A monitoring framework built on statistical information and, more importantly, on new user consultation mechanisms being developed within YSS. 06/08/2012 v66
What can we do today? We need to identify proposed outcome(s) related to the way YSS can work with and support the work done by the voluntary, community & faith sector. This needs to be led by yourselves. What do you feel that we can do to support the work you do with young people. This could be in relation to further development of our networking arrangements, support with training, use of volunteers, access to facilities, creative use of social networking or any other thoughts you may have 06/08/2012 v67
All we are asking is Please look at the following questions and write down any thoughts (as individuals or as groups) that you have in relation to outcomes for young people based on YSS working alongside the voluntary, community & faith sectors. There are no wrong answers! 06/08/2012 v68
Q1 In the work/role you do with young people, what are the hoped for outcomes? Being safe, build confidence, re-build family relationships, have fun, identifying unhealthy relationships or DV, someone they can trust and will listen to them, fulfilling potential, develop skills, someone to turn to for help, supporting creativity, challenge yp to move out of comfort zones, motivate, give advice, be aggressive in sport not life, developing skills, supporting communities, shine awards, move children out of poverty, smooth transition to adulthood, outlets for interests, employment opportunities, youth cafe, feel valued, accepted as part of the community, explore their faith, be confident, overcoming social barriers, achieving goals, enjoy the company of others. 06/08/2012 v69
Q2 In the work you do, what can you make better in young people lives? Their safety, better relationships, ability to communicate, confidence, quality of life, space to talk, help them realise what they deserve, help them achieve their dreams, to see their own worth, someone to treat them with respect, make new friends, a caring environment to share their concerns, access to help, alternative activities, the value of an active & creative life, group collaboration, healthy living, reflection, knowledge of drugs & effects, social awareness, inter- personal skills, leadership skills, independent decision making, training, included in society, help out of poverty, sustainable local projects, building blocks to future, space, they believe they have a future, volunteering, 06/08/2012 v610
Q3 What can YSS or the whole sector networking arrangements offer to you in support of your work? Funding, funding posts, funding for training, support (staff, training & funding), access to equipment and venues, support with transport, development of policies and procedures, linking yp & families with services, help us work with less privileged groups, support in applying for funding, publicity, network group, support our volunteers, contacts, communication, reach the right audience, research and stats, access to volunteers, knowledge of services, access to information, access to activities we can’t do for ourselves, professional input 06/08/2012 v611
Q4 What other support do we (or can we) provide to yourselves to improve outcomes for young people? E.g. Access to training, recruitment of volunteers, use of premises etc? Web links, training, volunteer recruitment, use of the website, use of YSS premises at reasonable prices, knowledge of what yp need and want, development scheme for young journalists to work for one & other magazine, knowledge of and expertise in working with young people, access to knowledge, access to a library of resources, provision of specific training, 06/08/2012 v612
Q5 Any other thoughts about how we can further develop the relation ship across the sector to benefit young people in the city? communicate, communicate, communicate!, there are very few activities for 14+ kids, bridging gap between 14- adulthood, voice through local media 06/08/2012 v613
What happens next? The plan will be finalised in coming weeks. Formal launch likely to be in mid-late May. Reviewing our performance in relation to objectives will commence immediately. If you have any further comments, please do not hesitate to forward to Carole at: 06/08/2012 v614