PROGRESS education sector NIMBA In Bahn Camp the 16 HC sector partners are reaching 2627 refugees primary school services and 941 with EC education. GRAND GEDEH 5260 refugees reached with primary school services and supplies distribution Children (524 refugees) reached with Early Childhood Education. MARYLAND 205 Ivorian children from Little Wlebo camp attend classes in Government school and recreation activities. In Harper City 5 schools identified (29 classrooms) for double shift. ( Awaiting update from Ailsa)
CHALLENGES education sector Road accessibility affecting effective programming in intervention areas Limited number of qualified teacheers some Ivorian Teachers continue to return home Drop in attendance figures /irregular attendance in ECD centers and primary schools in host communities due to lack of food child labour Population still fluid all all counties Lack of WASH facilities in some schools Provision of NFE/secondary and tertiary education
WAY FORWARD education sector Continued advocacy on road accessibility/maintenance Recruitment and training of non-qualified teachers /refresher training Advocacy on provision of feeding to ECD centers and primary schools consider for EHAP Results of Joint Rapid Needs assessments/partners assessments to be used for programming July to December WASH assessment in targeted schools ongoing UNESCO to support partners intending to provide formal & non formal secondary/tertiary education to refugees Secondary school curriculum/ teachers guides being sourced from IC exploring integration into Liberian sec schools Sensitization Day on The protective role of Education in Emergencies MOE/Edu-Cp sectors 8 June, Monrovia EIE training 14 June, in Grand Gedeh (Zwedru) Formal and Non-formal education at Border in Nimba NON FORMAL EDUCATION TASK FORCE – MAPPING/HARMONIZATION (work in progress)
Partners MOE Save the Children UK Plan International Rescue Committee Visions in Action LRRC UNICEF UNHCR WFP UNESCO Finnish Church AID IBIS COHDA CAP EHUD Foundation