Providing Quality Advice And Information Services Presentation for the Brighton and Hove Strategic Partnership John Holmström Chair, Brighton and Hove Advice Partnership (Formally Advice Services Strategy Group) 30 th November 2010
Providing Quality advice and information our aim: “A place where residents can readily access free advice and information that they can rely on in order to help them to deal with difficult situations, avoid dependency on services and achieve their aspirations”
A Brief History of Advice Partnerships in Brighton and Hove Community Legal Services Partnership (CLSP) Set up by the ‘civil’ arm of the Legal Services Commission (LSC). Aimed to join up Civil Legal Aid provision with legal advice and information funded by other sources Ceased in 2006 when the LSC withdrew their support Advice Services Strategy Group (ASSG) 2006 – 2010 Kept ‘Legal Advice’ focus of CLSP but extended membership to include other relevant partners e.g. health Formalised relationship with Local Strategic Partnership and ASN Supported & resourced by the Advice Strategy Project April following successful bid to the lottery. Advice Partnership 2010 onwards Outcome focused Wide range of information and Advice Partners Accountable to LSP for delivery of Priority Area 8 ‘Quality Advice and Information Services’ 2009 Advice Coordination Meetings Convened and Facilitated by the Partnership Team to scope co-ordination of a wide range of advice and information services. Included ASSG members and other partners such as adult learning & libraries Led on drafting of Priority Area 8 of the Sustainable Community Strategy: ‘Quality Advice and Information Services’ Advice Services Network (ASN) 198? onwards Informal meetings with discussions, information sharing and a broad range of guest speakers. Has Met regularly since the early eighties Majority of attendees have direct frontline involvement with residents as part of their day to day working life.
Advice Partnership: membership Advice Services Network Cross Sector membership of providers and partners including:
Achieving our aim Getting the right advice to the right people at the right time -No one service can help everyone with everything -Good relationships = Good referrals -Working together to rationalise directories Maintaining trust & making sure the right advice is the right advice -Pool training resources -Identify and promote good practice -Ensure independent advice remains in the mix of provision
Promoting and supporting volunteering -Strong history of volunteering in independent advice sector -Developing links with volunteering strategy Working positively with other partners -Understanding and addressing residents fears and anxieties -Feedback what is and isn't working well. Achieving our aim
Promoting access to online self help resources for those who can use them -Recognise benefit of face to face support, particularly for residents that are vulnerable or have complex needs -Also recognise that online resources can help many people to resolve their own problems.
Advice Partnership Terms of Reference our vision: “A City with accessible, integrated and sustainable advice and information services that: – Empower residents to understand their rights and responsibilities and solve their problems – Enable residents to advance, achieve their aspirations and realise their potential – Prevent Social exclusion, Financial exclusion, child poverty. Family breakdown & domestic abuse, housing need and homelessness through early intervention – Promote positive change by evidencing the barriers residents face to equality, inclusion and employment”