When:Saturday, July 29, 2006 Where:Mayfield Green Grounds/Play Ground Area Time:8:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. Activities:Games, Basketball Tournaments, Community Yard Sale, Prize Drawings, Flag Football, Tug-A-War Contest between Areas 1-5 & Areas 6-10, Dunk Tank, Various Inflatables for Children and adults, Karaoke, Watermelon Eating Contest, Baking Contest, Music, Food and much, much, more!!!! We, the Board of Directors, would like to show our appreciation to the community for being so patient with us as we have continued to work earnestly and diligently in accomplishing the many tasks and projects that have been set before us this year. All members are invited to come out and join in with us as we celebrate the end of a great summer here at Mayfield Green. So, bring your lounge chairs and etc. and be ready to sit back and enjoy the day. Please take notice of the above activities. Because this is going to be such a huge event, we need our members to step up and volunteer for various task on this day. So please take the time and complete the attached volunteer form and submit it back to the office by Friday, July 21, 2006, by 6:00 p.m. Even if you only volunteer for a few hours that day, it will be very helpful (something is better than nothing – smile). If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please give Ms. Frankie Morton a call at the office at (317) at your earliest convenience. Again, many volunteers are needed to help make this festival a success, so please consider donating some of your valuable time towards this event. All members who have attended this event in the past know that this festival offers many of us an opportunity to fellowship with other members, old and new, as well as meet the Board of Directors and Management teams. Also, we have always had plenty of fun!!! Again, our hope is that you place this event on your calendar and make it a priority to be in attendance so that we can have an opportunity to show each other and our neighbors that we, Mayfield Green Coop., can come together and show community spirit!!! The Board of Directors 07/14/06 M ayfield G reen C ooperative Summer Community Festival
M ayfield G reen C ooperative, I nc. Summer Community Festival Saturday, July 29, :00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet Please complete and print legibly. Upon completion, please return to the office by Friday, July 21, 2006, by 6:00 p.m. (but preferably as soon as possible). Member’s Name____________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________Unit No.________Area No._________ City/State/Zip Code_________________________________________________________ Home Phone____________________Work Phone_______________Cell Phone________ Address_____________________________________________________________ When is a good time to reach you?_____________________________________________ Please check all the areas below that you are interested in volunteering your time towards. Also, please list the exact time as well as the amount of time that you will be available to volunteer. Activity Description Available Time to Volunteer Comments (please list exact time) □ Basketball TournamentFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Various Games/ActivitiesFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Monitor Inflatables for ChildrenFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Monitor/Participate in Dunk Tank From_______Till________ _________________________ □ Oversee Watermelon ContestFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Oversee Tug-A-War ContestFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Oversee Karaokee MachineFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Clean Up of GroundsFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Oversee Potatoe Sack RaceFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Help with Back-to-School GiveawayFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Judge Patio Contest (07/28/06)From 4:00 pm Till 6:00 pm Can not be a participant □ Judge Baking ContestFrom_______Till________ _________________________ □ Arrange Electric Slide/Soul Train Line From______Till_______ _________________________ □ MiscellaneousFrom_______Till_______ _________________________