Measurement Evaluation Learning Coventry Partnership Household Survey 2012
Measurement Evaluation Learning Contents Background and Methodology Sample Profile Analysis Results Equalities and Communities Housing and Environment Community Safety Health and Well Being Work and Training Transport and Accessibility
Measurement Evaluation Learning Background and Methodology M·E·L Research was commissioned by Coventry Partnership to undertake the 2012 Household Survey The Household Survey provides an overview of quality of life and well being across the city Fieldwork took place between January and February 2012 2,117 face to face households interviews were undertaken with residents aged 16+ The sample was stratified by Middle Super Output Area (MSOA), with the number of surveys completed in each MSOA proportional to population
Measurement Evaluation Learning Sample Profile Sample (unweighted) City wide population (mid 2010 estimates) Male48%50% Female52%50% %20% % %17% %15% %12% 65+19%18% White81%84% BME19%16% Economically Active52% 63%* Economically Inactive48%37%* *2001 Census
Measurement Evaluation Learning Analysis The 2012 Household Survey results are presented in this graphical report Data has been analysed by key demographic groups including age, disability, ethnicity, gender, geographical location (ward and MSOA) and by deprivation to identify differences in results Based on the 2007 Index of Deprivation, respondents have been categorised into deprivation quintiles where Quintile 1 is the most deprived and Quintile 5 is the least deprived Differences in results by these demographic groups have been identified in this report
Measurement Evaluation Learning Equalities and Communities
Measurement Evaluation Learning Length of time in neighbourhood How long have you lived in this neighbourhood? 52% of residents in Allesley Park & Finham, South Cheylesmore have lived in their neighbourhood for more than 20 years.
Measurement Evaluation Learning What do you like MOST about the neighbourhood where you live?
Measurement Evaluation Learning What do you like MOST about the neighbourhood where you live? Results from 2012 Household Survey
Measurement Evaluation Learning How satisfied are you with the quality of parks & open spaces? Aldermoor and Ernesford Grange has the highest % of residents who are very dissatisfied (29%) Radford Canal and Basin has the highest % of very satisfied residents (62%) A new question in % of respondents are satisfied with the quality of parks and open spaces
Measurement Evaluation Learning How satisfied are you with access to parks and open spaces? A new question in % of respondents are satisfied with access to parks and open spaces
Measurement Evaluation Learning Satisfaction with neighbourhood as a place to live Generally how satisfied are you with THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD as a place to live? The areas with the most residents stating that they are very/fairly satisfied are Keresley and Stoke Park (98%). More dissatisfied residents live in Wood End, Henley and Manor Farm (34%). Overall, 90% of respondents are satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live, representing an increase since 2011 (86%).
Measurement Evaluation Learning Quality of life over past 2 years What is your overall perception of how quality of life in this neighbourhood has changed over the last 2 years? 46% of respondents from the City Centre and 35% from Wood End, Henley and Manor Farm stated quality of life had improved. 35% of respondents in Wood End, Henley, Wyken Green and Manor Farm said QoL had got worse, increasing to 37% in Hillfields. 23% of those in the 1 st deprivation quintile say quality of life has got worse, compared with 15% in the 5 th quintile. 35% of those with a disability which limits them a lot said that the quality of life had got worse. The majority of respondents think their neighbourhood has stayed the same over the last two years (68%). The proportion who think it has improved is at its lowest point in four years (12%).
Measurement Evaluation Learning Influencing decisions affecting local area Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area? The highest level of agreement was in Courtaulds, Edgwick 78% The highest level of disagreement was in North Holbrooks (88%). The highest levels of disagreement were with residents aged 75+ (68%) and those aged (65%). Residents from the 2nd deprivation quintile disagreed most (67%) In the 2012 survey 43% of all residents agreed that they could influence decisions affecting the local area and 59% disagreed. The proportion of respondents who agreed with this statement increased from 38% in the 2011 survey.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Working towards improving neighbourhood Are you actively involved in working towards improving your neighbourhood? e.g. through Neighbourhood Watch, residents or Tenants Association, Helping with Parent Teacher Association, volunteering at community building etc. The highest % of residents actively involved is found in Allesley Village & Bablake (24%). Just 2% of residents aged are actively involved compared to 13% of those aged 75+. Residents from 5th quintile more involved than those from 1 st (15% compared to 5%).
Measurement Evaluation Learning Harmonious neighbourhood To what extent do you agree or disagree that this neighbourhood is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together? Residents from Willenhall disagreed most with this statement (12%). Residents from Allesley Park agreed the most with this statement (100%) survey: 94% agreed people from different backgrounds get on well together
Measurement Evaluation Learning Meeting friends and relatives Whether at home or elsewhere, how often do you meet friend or relatives who are not living with you? A new question introduced in % of respondents meet friends or relatives at least once a week.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Asking for help Would you ask anyone for help if…. A new question introduced in 2012.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Housing and Environment
Measurement Evaluation Learning Property type First of all, is your property…
Measurement Evaluation Learning Satisfaction with the quality of your home How satisfied are you with the quality of your home? A high rate of satisfaction amongst respondents with the quality of their home (92%). An increase in 2012 in the proportion who are very satisfied (52%).
Measurement Evaluation Learning Likelihood of moving home How likely is it that you will move house in the next 4 or 5 years? Highest % very/fairly likely to move from City Centre (66%) Highest % very unlikely to move from Keresley (96%) 41% of residents aged were very likely to move home, while 93% of residents aged 75+ were very unlikely 65% of disabled residents stated they were very unlikely to move, compared with 53% of those without a disability
Measurement Evaluation Learning Reasons for wanting to move What are the main reasons for you possibly wanting to move? 36% residents aged would move to a larger property. 26% of residents aged would like to move to be nearer to work/ job opportunities. 25% of residents aged 75+ would move to a smaller property 24% of residents in the 1 st quintile would move to a larger property compared to 9% in the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Where are you likely to move to? 46% residents aged would move outside Coventry 69% from 5 th deprivation quintile would move outside Coventry, compared to 29% from 1 st quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Community safety
Measurement Evaluation Learning Feeling Safe How safe do you feel around your neighbourhood during the day? More residents from Allesley Village and Bablake felt very safe (98%) than any other area. The lowest percentage feeling very safe was in North Holbrooks (8%). Residents aged were most likely to feel very safe (75%). 81% of residents of the 5 th deprivation quintile felt very safe, compared with 62% of residents in the 1 st deprivation quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Feeling Safe How safe do you feel around your neighbourhood at night? Residents aged 75+ were least likely to feel very safe, 26% compared to 45% of those aged More male residents felt very safe (45%) than female residents (35%). 81% of residents of the 5 th deprivation quintile felt very safe, compared with 62% of residents of the 1 st quintile. 80% of respondents feel safe after dark, similar to 2011 result (79%) but increase in those feeling very safe.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Level of crime To what extent do you agree with the following statement ‘Crime in my neighbourhood has increased over the last 12 months’? Residents of Tile Hill agree the most (27% agree strongly and 27% agree slightly). Residents from Keresley agree the least (7% slightly agree) 31% of residents of the 1 st quintile strongly/ slightly agreed compared to 20% of the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Health and Well-being
Measurement Evaluation Learning Health First of all, would you say in general your health is…? 75% of respondents rated health as good/very good compared to 82% in 2011.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Health problem/disability Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? 92% of residents aged stated not at all, compared to 41% of those aged 75+
Measurement Evaluation Learning Physical activity & health Mean average self-rated health score is 75 out of a possible 100 points
Measurement Evaluation Learning Quality of sleep How would you rate the quality of your sleep in the last month? 40% of residents with a disability rated their sleep as poor, compared to 10% of those with no disability.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Length of sleep Approximately how long have you typically slept for per night during the last month (including naps during the day)? The highest proportion of respondents getting 6-8 hours sleep per night were and year olds, 82% and 84% respectively.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Five-a-day fruit and vegetables How many portions of fruit or vegetables would you say you eat in a typical day? 17% of year olds reported having at least 5 portions a day compared to 39% of year olds. 7% of those in the 1 st quintile reported having less than one portion a day, compared with 1% from the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Smokers Do you, or have you ever, smoked? Highest % smokers in Bell Green (52%) and Willenhall (48%) Lowest % in Finham, South Cheylesmore, and University & Gibbet Hill (6% each) Highest % smokers aged (31%) Over one quarter (28%) of 75+ year olds used to smoke Fewer Asian (7%), Chinese (11%) and Black (14%) residents smoke compared to White residents (28%) Highest % of smokers in the most deprived quintile (35%) compared to just 7% in the least deprived quintile
Measurement Evaluation Learning Number of cigarettes smoked a day On average, how many cigarettes (including roll ups, cigars, etc.) do you smoke per day? 28% of smokers in the 1 st deprivation quintile smoke cigarettes a day, compared to 20% in the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Alcohol consumption How many days in a typical week do you usually drink alcohol? 4% of male residents report drinking 7 days a week compared to 2% of female residents. 43% of female residents report that they don’t drink alcohol compared to 33% of males. 9% of year olds report drinking alcohol 7 days a week, compared with 1% of and year olds.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Units of alcohol consumed How many days in an average week do you drink more than [women 2-3 units] [men 3-4 units] of alcohol? 58% of women report not exceeding this number of units on any day compared to 42% of men. The age group with the highest proportion exceeding this number of units 7 days a week is the year group (5%).
Measurement Evaluation Learning Physical activity Can you tell us how frequently, if at all, you do the following? Residents in Willenhall did the least physical activity (67% never take part in any physical activity and 90% never participate in any sport) 45% of female residents take part in physical activity at least 5 times a week, compared to 33% of male residents 16% of residents of the 1 st quintile never take part in any physical activity, compared to 6% of the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale Please tick the box that best describes your experience of each over the last two weeks.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Satisfaction with life On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 10 is extremely satisfied, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole?
Measurement Evaluation Learning Work and Training
Measurement Evaluation Learning Qualifications Could you tell me which of these is your highest qualification? Tile Hill has the highest % of residents with no qualifications (59%) Residents aged most likely to have a level 4/5 qualification (33%) Those aged 75+ have highest % with no qualifications (65%) 53% of residents with a disability had no qualifications, compared with 19% with no disability 36% of residents of the 1 st deprivation quintile have no qualifications, compared to 16% of those of the 5 th quintile.
Measurement Evaluation Learning Money matters How often have you been worried about money during the last few weeks? A new question introduced in 2012
Measurement Evaluation Learning Which of these phrases describes your feelings about your household income these days? Household Income A new question introduced in 2012