“Clean-up” Crime Prevention Donta Bennie Expo
Introduction Have you or any of your family members been a victim of assault or even murder? If so who’s to say it cannot happen to your kids or youth loved ones ( Which ever may apply ). My program “Clean-up” is a plan I have come up with to decrease the amount of youth injuries and fatalities due to Bad altercations and so called “Beef”.
Research Ceasefire Ceasefire took multiple years to actually become a program The main goal of ceasefire is to decrease the amount of shootings in residential areas Researchers have found that usually it is only a handful of young men that cause most of the cities violence
Crime stoppers Crime stoppers not only tries to stop crime but also tries to solve murder cases and other cases Crime Stoppers as an effective crime-solving organization in Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky-Southeastern Indiana Crime stoppers is made up mostly of volunteering civilians like yourself Crime stoppers is a partnership between the community Crime stoppers is not law enforced in anyway it is for the people by the people
Measure Y “Measure Y” provides the city with almost 20 million dollars annually for the next 10 years (Collected through parcel tax and parking fees) “Measure Y” has a program that provides youth comprehension services and family and domestic violence prevention “Measure Y” calls for more police offices and special victims units After “Measure Y” was introduced There still was an increase in crime but it started to take action in 2006 “Measure Y” combine federal and state money to start these programs
Plan My plan