Volunteering & Outreach Breakout: “How Your Group Can Get Involved and How We Can All Work Together” January 15, 2011 Portland, ME
Today’s Session How you can participate How We Can All Work Together Breakout Discussion
How You Can Participate
High school – Career Fair Kit – High school Handouts – Future Web services – West Point Bridge Middle School – Career Fair Kit – Middle school handouts – ASCEville and poster – West Point Bridge – Building Big – Design Squad – Cyberchase Elementary School –Elementary school handouts –ASCEville and Poster –Building Big –Fetch with Ruff Ruffman –Zoom into Engineering –Curious George – Let’s Build! Other –EYL Brochure, postcard and poster –Discover Magazines (JETS) –PowerPoint slides –ASCEville stickers
5 Visit ASCEville! ASCE’s PUBLIC K-12 Outreach Website
ASCE’s Handouts
High School
High School Student Transition Strategy (Embracing a cradle to grave philosophy of building and retaining the best talent out there.) Provide high school students with a pre-professional experience to support their interest in engineering Connect high school students with ASCE student chapter members to build bridges between high school students and future civil engineers.
ASCE sponsored website for young women
PreK-1: Curious George Let’s Build! Outreach Program
Grades 1-5 Activity Guide CD Show on hiaitus
Grades 3-5 Activity Guide Challenge Pack Reality Show After-School Clubs
Grades 6-8 Activity Guide DVD and Book
Grades 6-8 Easily reworked for High School Reality-based engineering show Activity Guide for events or clubs
Read a Storybook
Speaking to classes of kids or big assemblies Career Fairs
After-school programs Field Trips
Job Shadow Teacher Externships High School Interns
FUTURE CITY Other Local Contests
Trainings for Engineers Teacher In-service Trainings Guidance Counselor Symposia
STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ) Education Advocacy (Ensuring that America’s students are prepared for the Grand Challenges of the 21st century.) Inform members about engineering education policy Support members interest in affecting change
Assisting Colleges and Young Engineers Judge a Concrete Canoe or Steel Bridge Competition Organize a Scholarship Program Run a PE Refresher Course or any other Training Class Set up a mentoring program or a lecture series specifically for students or young members.
Food for Thought TV Show, Book or Newsletter to the Public Showing Great Things Civil Engineers Do Large-Scale Events with Competitions and Hands-On Activities Coordinate an Alliance of Numerous Non-Profits and Professional Societies Join several sections or YMG’s together to do a larger project
In Class Activities Speaking to classes of kids or big assemblies After-school programs Career fairs Contests Field Trips Job Shadowing Setting up a big event of your own A Summary: Activities with Students
A Summary: General educational help Inform Guidance Counselors about Civil Engineering Help Teachers Develop Lesson Plans Create Publications and Presentations Gather Various Outreach Organizations Help Engineers Get Started in Outreach Get Engineering included in your state core curriculum Get involved with a Science Museum
How We Can Work Together
In 2009, our members said this… ASCE Annual Membership Study Pre-college outreach is ranked 4 out of 22 program areas that members would support financially if they were administrators of the annual budget 91 percent describe pre-college outreach programs as “very valuable” 42 percent are aware of pre-college outreach resources 8 percent have used them in the past two years ASCE Key Contacts Issues Survey Math and science education (pre-college) is ranked 4 out of 34 federal legislative areas Key Contacts had an interest in pursuing
What do we tell them? Being an engineering /civil engineering is both enjoyable and makes you feel proud Relevant information to feed their growing interest The pathway to becoming an engineer Gradual orientation to specific programs and services of ASCE that benefit students
How do we relay this info? Trained & engaged engineer volunteers/mentors Directly to students Through adults who influence kid’s choices In cooperation with other engineering outreach initiatives
Never before … Have students had so much access to information Has ASCE had so much access to students
exposed to topics that inspire them come into their own talents and interests select college and move toward career choices th Grader8 th Grader 11 th Grader
ASCE’s Ongoing Efforts Committee on Pre-College Outreach – Develops Materials and Website For Kids – Coordinates Hands-On Events for Kids – Builds Bridges to Other Outreach Organizations Committee on Volunteer Community Service – Network of Active Volunteers – Rewards Outstanding Efforts and Members
Committee on Volunteer Community Service (All forms of Community Volunteerism) Network of Active Volunteers Rewards Outstanding Efforts and Members Tip Sheets Volunteer News
ASCE Awards given yearly include Public Service Awards to Groups or Sections and Citizen Awards to Individuals. Dozens of Other ASCE related Awards can involve community service (Diversity Champion, “Young Faces”, Edmund Freeman, etc.)
The New Sliced Bread: Discover “e” Post Your Events!
Jane Howell Director of Communications CPO Staff Director Leslie Payne Manager, Pre-College Outreach CPO Staff Liaison Committee on Pre-College Outreach Contacts: Sybil Hatch, P.E. M. ASCE CPO Chair Ken Maschke, P.E., M. ASCE CPO Past-chair
Reed Brockman, PE Past Chair, CVCS & CPO Outreach Coordinator, Boston Society of Civil Engineers Committee on Volunteer Community Service Contacts: Becky Waldrup Staff Liaison, Volunteer Community Service
THE BENEFITS Professional recognition. The students will inspire you. You will become a better leader. You are making the future.
DISCUSSION What Does Your Group Do? Any Stumbling Blocks? Anything You Want To Do? What Help Would You Like To See?