L IST OF VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES Warwick STAR Art Workshops Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre City of Sanctuary – ESOL English Coventry Peace House – Night Shelter, Bike Repair, Fundraiser… Children Society Your vInspired project!
A RT W ORKSHOPS 7-8 weeks in term 2 Once a week, 2 hours Art Workshops Lecturer Preparing and leading the ‘class’ – simple art techniques Art Workshop Helper Assisting the lecturer, helping ‘students’ EXHIBITION AT THE END! Support and funding from Warwick Volunteers
C OVENTRY R EFUGEE AND M IGRANT C ENTRE General Caseworking (min 4 hours per week for 4 months) Men's Group (2h per week) Women's Group (2h per week) Children's Rights Project Reception (min 4 hours per week) Befrienders (2h per week) Administration Social Media and Website Marketing
N EW U NITS work and wellbeing housing support safeguarding unit community partnership legal advice and advocacy
A PPLICATION P ROCESS Fill in application This application will be acknowledged and put into a database Contact CRMC Include an ‘Interest Form’ Write an to Warwick STAR We will follow you up.
I NTEREST F ORM 200 words Who you are What you want to do and why you want to do it Any experience and skills Availability (When) What do you want to get from it
W HEN RECRUITING PROCESS STARTS.. Inductions and trainings And you can start volunteer! When accepted, you will apply through Warwick STAR for a CRB check. You will be invited for an informal interview
CRB CHECKS International student do NOT need the certificate of good conduct Applying for CRB checks starts when you are accepted Therefore.. Get back to us when you are successful so we can pass you details onto Warwick Volunteers and you can get your CRB check asap.
C ITY OF SANCTUARY ( IN CRMC) ESOL Helper ((2h per week) Assisting teacher (handing out materials, photocopying..), helping students (1-2-1, group), preparing some activities ESOL Teacher ((4h per week) Qualification required (CELTA, DELTA) Prepare and lead classes Resources room (photocopying, printer, textbooks...) Monday (6:00 – 7:30) Tuesday Thursday (Beginners, Improvers) 1-2:30pm Friday 10:30 – 12 (NEW!)
A PPLYING FOR ESOL H ELPER / TEACHER Send an application to CRMC Put on hold/Recruited Informal chat with Barbora On campus Write to Warwick STAR Include your interest form
Do you have an idea? Excellent! Three conditions: Create at least 2 more volunteering positions Engage with local community of refugees and/or migrants Be short term (up to 2 months) Warwick STAR can help you Develop your idea Partner with local organisation Write an application
C OVENTRY P EACE HOUSE TRIP Week 3, Wednesday or Thursday (17 th,18 th ) 5pm - ? Taking WV minibus from campus Book yourself in! First come, first go!