Lauren Tran United Way Advertising Campaign and Volunteering Lindsey White United Way of Galveston County Mainland Mrs. Click, R.N. *Some information in this presentation comes from outside sources. "United Way of America." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 Feb
Lauren Tran and Ms. Lindsey White
LINDSEY WHITE Graduated from University of Houston- Clear Lake Second job: designs and develop websites Past: Director of Communications for United Way Account coordinator at Zero/Six Consulting
WHAT IS ISM? ISM is an abbreviation for Independent Study Mentorship Multi- Disciplinary Health Science Students are given the opportunity to choose a career based on their interests Students also choose a mentor that fits into their desired field in order to assist them on their project as well as provide an introduction to their profession At the end of the semester, the students showcase their knowledge of their project topic at the Career Fair
ISM REQUIREMENTS Students must: Document a minimum of 2-3 hours of mentorship activities each week Complete a Journal Entry each week documenting mentorship experiences Complete an ISM Professional Portfolio showcasing all of the assignments during the course and final project
WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS TOPIC? I’m an officer for Student United Way(1 st student based United Way in Texas) Passion for volunteering I want to learn more about the business aspects of United Way as well as learn more about general business strategies Interested in entering the business field
WHAT IS UNITED WAY? Non-profit organization created by a Denver woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi to address city’s welfare problems Mission: advance the common good Goals: initiated a ten year program that began in 2008 and designed to be accomplished by 2018 Improve education Help families achieve financial stability Promote healthy lives
MARKETING AND ADVERTISING TECHNIQUES Need to research and collect more data
UNITED WAY VOLUNTEERING Our Student United Way has done a lot of volunteering and we aspire to inspire young adults to contribute to their local community.
PRODUCT "United Way of Norman." United Way of Norman. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb Features include Map Forum Trivia UNICEF mode
PRODUCT COMPLETION Buy supplies to create a tangible item for the United Way application
PROJECT COMPLETION Conduct more research from the internet as well as the staff of United Way Work on my tangible item
THANK YOU Ms. Lindsey Mrs. Click Mom: Nga Tieu Dad: Long Tran
WORKS CITED "United Way Worldwide." United Way. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb