The Risks of Marijuana Captain Scott E. Murphy CAP Dakota Ridge Composite Squadron
Why focus on marijuana? Most widely used illicit drug among youth Challenges to seeing the risks: Normalization in popular culture Medical marijuana & legalization efforts Widespread ambivalence, misinformation among youth and parents
TRUE or FALSE? Marijuana is not all that harmful. False
TRUE or FALSE? Marijuana, unlike some other illegal drugs, is not addictive. False
TRUE or FALSE? Kids are more likely than adults to become dependent on marijuana. True
TRUE or FALSE? Marijuana is less popular among kids today because of ecstasy and other new club drugs. False
TRUE or FALSE? Smoking pot only makes people feel mellow. False
TRUE or FALSE? Marijuana does not have any long-term effects. False
Smoking one marijuana joint is as harmful as smoking how many cigarettes? FIVE? FOUR? TWO? ONE?
Smoking one marijuana joint is equal to smoking FIVE cigarettes.
What percentage of 12th graders in Washington say that marijuana is “sort of” easy or “very” easy to obtain? 27% 39% 52% 74%
74% of high school seniors find marijuana “fairly” or “very” easy to obtain. More than one-third of teens ages say they could purchase marijuana within a five-block radius from their house.*
The majority of kids who enter drug treatment are there for addiction to: CocaineCocaine HeroinHeroin EcstasyEcstasy MarijuanaMarijuana AlcoholAlcohol
More teens enter treatment for marijuana use each year than for all other illicit drugs combined. SAMHSA, TEDS, 2001
A marijuana joint can contain: PCP LSD Pesticides Cocaine or Crack All of the above
All of the chemicals listed: PCP, pesticides, LSD, cocaine and crack can be added to marijuana leaves without users knowing it.
What percentage of Washington 12th graders believe there is no risk or only a slight risk to smoking marijuana occasionally? 23%23% 33%33% 40%40% 66%66%
40% of 12th graders surveyed in Washington think occasional marijuana use is not harmful.
Marijuana use has been associated with: CancerCancer School FailureSchool Failure Traffic accidentsTraffic accidents Sexually transmitted diseasesSexually transmitted diseases All of the aboveAll of the above
Marijuana use has been associated with cancer, school failure, traffic accidents and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
What happens when a person uses marijuana, other than feeling high? Loss of motor coordination Distorted perception Increased heart rate Trouble with thinking & problem solving All of the above
A person who uses marijuana experiences all these effects. The effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with marijuana.
How long does marijuana stay in the body? Up to 3 daysUp to 3 days Up to 10 daysUp to 10 days Up to a few weeksUp to a few weeks Up to several monthsUp to several months
Even after users stop feeling the effects of marijuana, the drug can linger in the body for a few weeks. That means it can be detected by a standard drug test long after its initial use.
According to kids ages 13-17, what’s the #1 reason they do NOT smoke marijuana or use other drugs? Risk of getting kicked off a sports team Losing their parent’s respect Worry they’ll look silly or stupid in front of their friends Concern about being suspended from school
Parents are the most important influence on children when it comes to drugs. Two-thirds of youth say losing their parents’ respect is one of the main reasons they don’t smoke marijuana or use other drugs.
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