Dundee Law Funding improvement to an urban green space using HLF John Whyman Outdoor Access Officer Dundee City Council
The Law
Site need Over 20 years since previous investment
Access Improvement – Why HLF? Looking for access work totalling ≈£200,000 Project enhanced by using HLF outcomes Outcomes for Heritage – Heritage includes landscape and biodiversity Outcomes for People – Interpretation, learning, volunteering, enjoyment of heritage Outcomes for Communities – Reduced environmental impacts, more and wider range of people engaged, a better place to live and visit
Also considered Community campaign – Facebook etc Tourism and visitors Great War Centenary and war memorial (later removed from project) Hill Fort WWII Pill box Red Squirrels Your idea of Heritage may be different to HLF
HLF attempts HLF Heritage Grant 1 st attempt June 2013 £512,000 total, 70% from HLF Feedback – funding round over subscribed HLF Heritage Grant 2 nd attempt June 2014 Improved by enthusiastic consultant £586,000 total, 74% from HLF Feedback – improved application, but funding round over subscribed, consider Our Heritage HLF Our Heritage Grant app 2015 Assisted by consultant £353,000 total, 23% from HLF Approved
Useful documents for this application Project plan – maps, timeline etc Letters of support – include Local Access and Community Forums Briefs for specifics (eg digital feasibility study, new team member job description) Design details Costed Bill of Quantities Evidence of other funding sources committed Fundraising Plan Use Appendices for the documents you want to offer
The Project (HLF approved purposes) Employ part-time Community Participation Officer, for education and community activity Improve 1.4km paths including 400 steep steps Digital interpretation feasibility study Create informative website Establish Friends Group Heritage Trail, Pillbox renovation, new interpretation signs Biodiversity, landscape and woodland management
Project funding package Total project £353,000 HLF £80,800 23% DCC £216,000 61% Outstanding WIAT etc £37,000 10% Outstanding CRF £20,000 6% Others possible, including Fields in Trust, another year’s CRF, if needed
Using virement (carry forward) DCC contribution includes capital funds carried from 2013/14, 2014/15 Amounts from this year may be carried to 2016/17 Some DCC funding not available until 2016/17 budgets Useful for a 2.5 year project Useful as leverage
Lessons Learned Your idea of Heritage may be different to HLF Discuss with Case Officer in funding organisation at all stages (meet or phone?) With established funds eg HLF take Case Officer suggestions With new funds eg WIAT do more research of your own Rejection letters will not be specific Well organised evidence which clearly links to funders outcomes Use funder outcomes to enhance the project Consider exit plan and project monitoring from start Find a good consultant The less funders the better, but …
Please don’t mention the stupid Railway Tunnel