7-Speech Recognition Speech Recognition Concepts Speech Recognition Approaches Recognition Theories Bayse Rule Simple Language Model P(A|W) Network Types
7-Speech Recognition (Cont’d) HMM Calculating Approaches Neural Components Three Basic HMM Problems Viterbi Algorithm State Duration Modeling Training In HMM
Speech Recognition Concepts Speech recognition is inverse of Speech Synthesis Text Speech Speech Synthesis NLP Speech Processing Speech Speech Processing NLP Understanding Phone Sequence Text Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition Approaches Bottom-Up Approach Top-Down Approach Blackboard Approach
Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence Sound Classification Rules Bottom-Up Approach Signal Processing Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence Feature Extraction Segmentation Sound Classification Rules Knowledge Sources Signal Processing Phonotactic Rules Feature Extraction Lexical Access Segmentation Language Model Segmentation Recognized Utterance
Inventory of speech recognition units Top-Down Approach Inventory of speech recognition units Word Dictionary Task Model Grammar Unit Matching System Lexical Hypo thesis Syntactic Hypo thesis Semantic Hypo thesis Feature Analysis Utterance Verifier/ Matcher Recognized Utterance
Blackboard Approach Acoustic Processes Lexical Processes Black board Environmental Processes Semantic Processes Syntactic Processes
Recognition Theories Articulatory Based Recognition Use from Articulatory system for recognition This theory is the most successful until now Auditory Based Recognition Use from Auditory system for recognition Hybrid Based Recognition Is a hybrid from the above theories Motor Theory Model the intended gesture of speaker
Recognition Problem We have the sequence of acoustic symbols and we want to find the words that expressed by speaker Solution : Finding the most probable of word sequence by having Acoustic symbols
Recognition Problem A : Acoustic Symbols W : Word Sequence we should find so that
Bayse Rule
Bayse Rule (Cont’d)
Simple Language Model Computing this probability is very difficult and we need a very big database. So we use from Trigram and Bigram models.
Simple Language Model (Cont’d) Trigram : Bigram : Monogram :
Simple Language Model (Cont’d) Computing Method : Number of happening W3 after W1W2 Total number of happening W1W2 AdHoc Method :
Recognition Tasks Isolated Word Recognition (IWR) Connected Word (CW) , And Continuous Speech Recognition (CSR) Speaker Dependent, Multiple Speaker, And Speaker Independent Vocabulary Size Small <20 Medium >100 , <1000 Large >1000, <10000 Very Large >10000
Error Production Factor Prosody (Recognition should be Prosody Independent) Noise (Noise should be prevented) Spontaneous Speech
P(A|W) Computing Approaches Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Hybrid Systems
Dynamic Time Warping Method (DTW) To obtain a global distance between two speech patterns a time alignment must be performed Ex : A time alignment path between a template pattern “SPEECH” and a noisy input “SsPEEhH”
Artificial Neural Network . Simple Computation Element of a Neural Network
Artificial Neural Network (Cont’d) Neural Network Types Perceptron Time Delay Time Delay Neural Network Computational Element (TDNN)
Artificial Neural Network (Cont’d) Single Layer Perceptron . . . . . .
Artificial Neural Network (Cont’d) Three Layer Perceptron . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hybrid Methods Hybrid Neural Network and Matched Filter For Recognition Acoustic Features Speech Output Units Delays PATTERN CLASSIFIER
Neural Network Properties The system is simple, But too much iteration is needed for training Doesn’t determine a specific structure Regardless of simplicity, the results are good Training size is large, so training should be offline Accuracy is relatively good
Hidden Markov Model Si Sj Observation : O1,O2, . . . States in time : q1, q2, . . . All states : s1, s2, . . .
Hidden Markov Model (Cont’d) Discrete Markov Model Degree 1 Markov Model
Hidden Markov Model (Cont’d) : Transition Probability from Si to Sj ,
Hidden Markov Model Example S1 : The weather is rainy S2 : The weather is cloudy S3 : The weather is sunny rainy cloudy sunny rainy cloudy sunny
Hidden Markov Model Example (Cont’d) Question 1:How much is this probability: Sunny-Sunny-Sunny-Rainy-Rainy-Sunny-Cloudy-Cloudy
Hidden Markov Model Example (Cont’d) The probability of being in state i in time t=1 Question 2:The probability of staying in a state for d days if we are in state Si? d Days
HMM Components N : Number Of States M : Number Of Outputs A : State Transfer Probability Matrix B : Output Occurrence Probability in each state : Primary Occurrence Probability : Set of HMM Parameters
Three Basic HMM Problems Given an HMM and a sequence of observations O,what is the probability ? Given a model and a sequence of observations O, what is the most likely state sequence in the model that produced the observations? Given a model and a sequence of observations O, how should we adjust model parameters in order to maximize ?
First Problem Solution We Know That: And
First Problem Solution (Cont’d) Account Order :
Forward Backward Approach Computing 1) Initialization
Forward Backward Approach (Cont’d) 2) Induction : 3) Termination : Computation Order :
Backward Variable Approach 1) Initialization 2)Induction
Second Problem Solution Finding the most likely state sequence Individually most likely state :
Viterbi Algorithm Define : P is the most likely state sequence with this conditions : state i , time t and observation o
Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) 1) Initialization Is the most likely state before state i at time t-1
Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) 2) Recursion
Viterbi Algorithm (Cont’d) 3) Termination: 4)Backtracking:
Third Problem Solution Parameters Estimation using Baum-Welch Or Expectation Maximization (EM) Approach Define:
Third Problem Solution (Cont’d) : Expectation value of the number of jumps from state i : Expectation value of the number of jumps from state i to state j
Third Problem Solution (Cont’d)
Baum Auxiliary Function By this approach we will reach to a local optimum
Restrictions Of Reestimation Formulas
Continuous Observation Density We have amounts of a PDF instead of We have Mixture Coefficients Average Variance
Continuous Observation Density Mixture in HMM M1|1 M2|1 M1|2 M2|2 M1|3 M2|3 M3|1 M4|1 M3|2 M4|2 M3|3 M4|3 S1 S2 S3 Dominant Mixture:
Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d) Model Parameters: 1×N N×M N×M×K N×M×K×K N×N N : Number Of States M : Number Of Mixtures In Each State K : Dimension Of Observation Vector
Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d)
Continuous Observation Density (Cont’d) Probability of event j’th state and k’th mixture at time t
State Duration Modeling Si Sj Probability of staying d times in state i :
State Duration Modeling (Cont’d) HMM With clear duration ……. ……. Si Sj
State Duration Modeling (Cont’d) HMM consideration with State Duration : Selecting using ‘s Selecting using Selecting Observation Sequence using in practice we assume the following independence: Selecting next state using transition probabilities . We also have an additional constraint:
Training In HMM Maximum Likelihood (ML) Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) Minimum Discrimination Information (MDI)
Training In HMM Maximum Likelihood (ML) . Observation Sequence
Training In HMM (Cont’d) Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) Mutual Information
Training In HMM (Cont’d) Minimum Discrimination Information (MDI) Observation : Auto correlation :