LIBERIA CAP: GENDER MARKER Presented by: Ayoo Osen Odicoh-Inter-Agency Gender Advisor
S ESSION O VERVIEW 1. History of the IASC Gender Marker (GM) 2. Purpose of the GM 3. GM Coding 4. Performance of clusters in the 2011 roll-out 5. Examples of coding 6. Successes and challenges 7. Monitoring GM use 8. Next steps for 2012
PURPOSE OF THE GENDER MARKER A SIMPLE and PRACTICAL tool; To measure/track inclusion of gender and GBV; To enable/to build capacity of humanitarian teams to be able to design their projects so women, girls, boys and men benefit. A MORE ACCURATE NAME FOR THE GM MIGHT BE THE WHO BENEFITS MARKER
GENDER MARKER CODING Gender Mainstreaming: the different needs of women, girls, boys and men are analyzed. This analysis is reflected in project activities and outcomes Targeted Actions: assisting women, girls, boys or men who suffer discrimination and building gender- specific services
G ENDER M ARKER C ODING GENDER CODE DESCRIPTION 0 Gender is not reflected anywhere in the project sheet May not contribute to gender equality 1 The project includes gender equality in the needs assessment, in an activity or in an outcome Contributes in a limited way to gender equality 2a GENDER MAINSTREAMING Projects needs assessment includes a gender analysis and the gender analysis is reflected in the projects activities and outcomes. Contributes significantly to gender equality 2b TARGETED ACTION Project is targeted based on gender analysis The principal purpose is to advance gender equality.
APPLYING A GENDER CODE: WHO AND HOW? Self-assessment tool for clusters Gender Marker Focal Point(s) Importance of including gender and GBV in selection and prioritization criteria NEEDS ACTIVITIES OUTCOMES
GENDER MARKER APPEAL INSTRUMENTS AND COUNTRIES CAPs: Chad, Haiti, Kenya, Niger, oPt, Somalia, south Sudan, Yemen and Zimbabwe. Pooled funds: DRC and Ethiopia. Flood Response Plan: Pakistan
CLUSTERS PERFORMANCE IN CAP 2011 (CHANGE IN GM CODES FROM CAP 2010 TO CAP 2011 IN SIX CAP COUNTRIES) G % OF P ROJECTS C ODE 0C ODE 1C ODE 2 A C ODE 2 B C LUSTER Agriculture54%18%30%39%11%36%6%7% Coord & Support60%39%26%24%5%37%10%0% E. Recovery54%10%24%21%12%64%10%5% Education35%3%27%28%38%65%0%5% Food Sec./Aid29%28%54%28%14%44%4%0% Health38%12%31%28%13%51%18%10% Multi-Sector - Refs44%0%52%41%4%53%0%6% Nutrition45%29%39%32%14%35%2%3% Protection44%8%19% 25%57%13%16% Shelter/NFI/CCCM40%7%50%41%10%37%0%15% WASH57%12%30%50%12%34%1%3% Totals45%15%35%32%14%47%6%
Liberia-EHAP and Gender Marker Outlook [Handout]
THE SUCCESSES Strong leadership and gender and GM champions Establishing minimum commitments Use of Tip-Sheets and other practical tools From the abstract to the practical: Being able to measure Positive and constructive engagement Donor engagement
THE CHALLENGES Monitoring - good articulation Vs. good programming? Collective action SADD Improving coding consistency and clearing up coding confusion (esp. RH, nutrition and GBV) Continued and increased donor engagement
NEXT STEPS FOR 2012 Momentum generated by introducing the GM can be sustained provided these conditions exist: There is ongoing active facilitation by competent gender specialists. There is meaningful recognition for efforts made by sector teams. The vetting teams at sector level has been sufficiently e. Practical, manageable monitoring can be put in place to help ensure that the gender code reflected in design is also reflected in implementation. Donors fund projects that address gender equality (Codes 2a 2b) and let Implementing Partners (IPs) know that the gender code is a factor in their funding decisions.
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