Headings of Chapters in YOUR LIFE MANUAL
Self-image and acceptance: Dress? Style? Acceptance and Love of Name, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Race Cultural Identity vs. Social Acceptance?
High School Graduation Sports/Extracurriculars/Music and Art: Priority? Prom: Dress? Date?
Which one? Close or Far? Home or dorm? Expensive Dream or Affordable Choice How to Transition? Play Sports? Course of study? Graduate School?
Application? Which one? Location? Family Business? Military?
Become a Pet Owner? Travel the World? Purchases: Cars, Jewelry, Presents, Clothes
Faith? God? Which one? Convert for marriage or belief Evil vs. Good What is the meaning of life?
Save or Spend? Investments? Loans?
International Move Close to Family Buy or Rent City, Country, Suburbs?
Definition How to gain and keep it!
True vs. Not Breakups
Yes or No? To Whom? When? Proposal? Bridal Party? Divorce?
Parents – Relationships: strained or close? Trusting, loving? Children? Yes or No? How many? Biological or Adopted? Values? Working vs. SAHP
Health Fitness Creative and Intellectual Pursuits Balancing Time
Drugs and Alcohol Ride with driver under the influence?
Procedures? Braces? Plastic Surgery?
Definition? True Friends? Loyalty? Tough decisions?
Retirement Parental Elderly Care
Family member or Personal? Inheritance?
Voting Political Views
Trusting Yourself Over Your Parents? Mentors? Where to seek advice/help. From whom? Volunteering? Self-sacrifice vs. Pride Regret or Acceptance? Quitting or Continuing? Community Involvement? Morals and Ethics? Going against your word? Having patience? Lying? Breaking Promises? Right and Wrong? Forgiveness? Compassion? Anxiety and Nerves? Does the end justify the means? Happiness: Finding and Maintaining it! Keeping Others Happy.