IntegrationClimate Change and other Regional / National Priorities Marc Kramer Senior Climate Change Scientist Region 6 Specialist Meeting November 2011
. Climate Change Scorecard What are the benefits to the Forest ? -Forming a climate change team (with specialists, NR Staff, District CC coordinators) -Developing a climate change plan in 2012 for end-to-end integration of climate change by Integrating climate change considerations into all aspect of operations and employees program of work.
. Climate Change Scorecard 2012 Goals: Communicate the linkages and benefits of CC activities to FLT and RLT. -Forest Plan Revision -NEPA, EAs and CC -Integrate with other Restoration/Conservation Priorities: -WCF -TCF -TRACS -Minimum Roads -Restoration -Travel Management
. Climate Change Scorecard -Provide leadership on addressing climate change on NF lands. -Help to address this problem regionally, nationally and globally. -Direction and priority from the Chief, Regional Forester, and the RO -Serve as a model for others to follow -Formulation of a plan will help: -Identify gaps and resource needs necessary to address climate change. -Help see where and if the pieces fit together.
. Climate Change Scorecard Some common themes in addressing climate change to other priority areas: -Direction from the Chief, Regional Forester and the RO -All Land Approach –Partnerships with state, private, and federal entities are key. -Landscape-scale approach needed -A natural fit with on going restoration and fuels management activities. -A necessary component of forest plan revision, NEPA and EAs
. Climate Change Scorecard Thinning and Climate Change: How many more years can we keep doing this ? A Climate change response strategy synergistic with managing for: -Increased landscape heterogeneity -More early seral forest on the landscapeVital for landscape structure, function -A more diverse response strategy to deal with uncertainty associated with climate change.
. Climate Change Scorecard How Do These All Fit Together ? -Climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessments ( ) -WCF (2011) -TCF (2012) -TRACS (2012) -Minimum Roads (2015) -Restoration (On Going) -Travel Management (On Going)