Lecture Four Translation Process (TP)
Basic translation prodedures Understanding Expression
Understanding meaning /knowledge /information feature in form and sound style Attitude spirit /feeling tone ; feelings subject matter [keynote/undertone/tone, image ; characters]
Expression brevity clarity natrualness accuracy translators’ invisibility readers’ acceptability
Liu Miqing’s model of TP Deep Structure 语义对应 理 解 表 达 Surface Structure Surface Structure Source Language Receptor language 原语( SL ) 译语( TL )
Nida’s model of TP analysis of the source text ; transfer from source to target restructuring in the target language ; testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended audience (Language, Culture and Translating, 1993)
Liu Zhongde’s model of TP Step 1 The translator should read the whole piece of writing carefully, try to grasp the ideological content the author wants to express and make clear not only the literal meaning but also the implications between the lines(read between the lines/false friends)
Step 2 Owing to the fact that not all the usages of two languages concerned are alike, there may be the following cases in wording. 1)Sometimes the translator can find expressions which are entirely equivalent to each other. 2)Sometimes he has to change the image. 3)Sometimes the translator will have to make a change in the surface value of some words so that he may get a suitable representation which can express their true implication.
Step 3 The translator must have a good grasp of the author’s portrayal of his characters and style of writing. Only thus can he have a reliable basis for his choice of words and making of sentences. Both the choice and arrangements of words and sentences are based on the comparatively satisfactory reproduction of the original images and style. That’s to say, the same words should be rendered in different ways according to the status of characters and style of writing in the original. ( 《文学翻译十讲》)
翻译实践 原文: 看重 有三个正在砌砖的工人。有人问他们在做什么? 第一个人回答道:「我在砌砖。」 第二个人回答说:「我在砌一面墙。」 第三个人充满自信的说:「我在盖一座教堂。」 看重自己,你就会成为别人心目中重要的人。 - 怎样思想,便有怎样的生活。
参考译文: Regards There were three workers laying bricks. Someone asked them what they were doing. The first one replied, " I'm laying bricks." The second one said, " I'm building a wall." The third one said confidently, "I'm building a church." You will become an important person for others if you respect yourself. -Your thoughts represent your life
Questions and tasks 1)How do you look at translation process? 2)What elements are involved in the process? 3)How do you look at TAPS (think-aloud protocols) in translation process research? 4) Translate passage 6 in the TRANSLATION EXERCISE of the textbook.