Formed by Parish Councils - Run for Parish Councils - Delivering to Parish Councils May 2015: New Government, New Councillors, New Challenges: What is.


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Presentation transcript:

Formed by Parish Councils - Run for Parish Councils - Delivering to Parish Councils May 2015: New Government, New Councillors, New Challenges: What is in store? Jake Atkinson Chief Officer, LRALC

Background Time of significant change in local government. Both principal and local councils are seeing an increase in demand for services. New methods of joint and independent working emerging. Much existing and emerging good practice nationally. 9,000 local councils provide a rich supply of knowledge and experience. Extensive range of support and materials from LRALC/NALC May New Government May New Councils and New Councillors = Renewed focus, ambition, and vision.

The new DCLG work streams 1. Making it easier to set up new town and parish councils. 2. Setting out a clearer vision for the parish sector and its role. This will include revisiting some of the key finance issues which are problematic for the parishes sector (including business rates, localised council tax support and referendum principles). 3. Supporting development in the local council sector. Recognising that the sector leads on its own training strategy and direction, as NALC has shown with work on LCAS and CiLCA over the last year. 4. Helping parish & town councils to do more. Using the Community Rights network and Our Place programmes to share expertise from within the sector; gathering evidence around the different models of devolution to the parish tier

Finance on the agenda for Business Rates – Share to be given to Parish and Town Councils? Govt considering NALC’s ongoing campaign. Watch this space. Council Tax Support (CTS) grant – DCLG investigating passing on the grant directly to local councils/making ‘passporting’ mandatory. “Capping” and the referendum principles - various models around top 100 charging local councils, DCLG consulting soon, decision by September for 5 years? All of above would provide certainty and allow you to plan for the medium term. Changes to General Power of Competence? DCLG visit to Leicestershire scheduled for September 28 th.

What else can we expect? Continuation of funding reductions for local government; not even half way through? Principal authorities across the country identifying ways of meeting this challenge. Some “extreme” models. e.g. Northants CC. More “devolution” between all levels. New Minister (Greg Clarke MP) in favour of moving power to the most local level possible. A focus on enabling and empowering (see LCC Community Strategy).

Other issues for the sector Local Audit and Accountability Act; changes to audit in 2017 impact on ALL local councils. Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. Transparency Fund – will you apply? Local Government Ombudsman to cover larger PCs? Pension Auto-Enrolment Recording of Meetings Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS)

LRALC – Supporting you to achieve LRALC will continue to expand the services and range of support it offers; 800 queries dealt with in (33% increase). Renewed grant contract with LCC until Satisfaction and membership levels continue to increase. 157 Councillors trained in their role in June 2015; more than in the whole of New Neighbourhood Planning service planned with RCC/Landmark Planning following pilot. New courses; CiLCA 2015, Social Media, etc.

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