Deputy Principal/Curriculum Coordinator Workshops /16119v4
WACE Policy and Guidelines Will focus today on: WACE requirements 2010 and beyond Enrolment trends and student pathways Reporting student achievement. Feedback will be sought in order to ensure policy and guidelines best support schools.
Our Youth, Our Future Imperatives for Senior Secondary Reform Meeting young people’s needs and life prospects Transition from school to further study or work Preparing for the 21st century Community demands for explicit educational standards and greater transparency A K-12 system of education
New WACE courses Semester units (with flexibility) Stage 1-3 units Additional units (P, Stage 1, Stage 2) School-based assessment Links to external assessment VET industry courses Endorsed programs
Enrolment trends and student pathways For Year 12s in 21 WACE courses examined in 2009 Enrolments in: a unit pair for a stage - as predicted courses with additional Stage 1- as predicted the two Aboriginal courses are very low Stage 2 for six courses are very small.
Enrolment trends and student pathways Undesirable trends: much larger Year 12 enrolments in 1C and 1D relative to 2A and 2B unit pairs being offered across Stage 1 and 2 (e.g. ENG 1D and 2A).
Enrolment trends and student pathways Explanation of trends: schools ‘protecting’ students from exams concern about external scrutiny student preference for easier options teacher lack of confidence desire for some ‘recreation-level’ courses.
Enrolment trends and student pathways Possible impact of trends: mid-range Year 12 students not challenged students denied future opportunities students completing non-examinable units will not receive a WACE course score nor course report perpetuation of the ‘TEE’/‘non-TEE’ divide.
Qualifying for a WACE in 2009 A student will need to: complete at least 10 full-year (or equivalent) Curriculum Council subjects achieve an average of C grade or better achieve English language competence include all 13 overarching outcomes in their overall program of study.
Qualifying for a WACE from 2010 A student will need to: complete at least the equivalent of 20 course units achieve an average of C grade or better achieve English language competence complete, in final WACE year (12), at least one pair or course units from each of List A and List B.
Reporting student achievement Courses VET Endorsed programs Community service Statement of results Course reports
Preliminary stage units Do they contribute to the WACE? Do they contribute to English language competency? How are they reported? Can they be completed over more than 55 hours? Will they be moderated? What does ‘completed’ mean? Are they only for students with intellectual disability?
Integrated planning and delivery of courses What can ‘integration’ mean? In what ways can teachers plan and deliver courses in an integrated manner? How can teachers assess units delivered in an integrated manner? Can teachers save time by integrating units?
Reporting student achievement Key dates for the remainder of 2009 (see yellow paper)
Student registration and demographic file Upload requirements name, address, date of birth particulars of any educational program particulars of any employment, apprenticeship/ traineeship, training or any combination of these. (See lime green paper)
Evaluation form Please complete section four of the evaluation form on WACE feedback