1 Trends and support Supporting progress towards getting Local Plans in place a key Departmental priority. Working closely with the Planning Inspectorate and the Planning Advisory Service to ensure that support to Local Planning Authorities is coordinated and targeted to where it is most needed and effective. This work takes account of the spatial dynamics of Local Plan progress, and integrates with work supporting the Duty to Cooperate in practice
2 How is the reformed planning system supporting sustainable growth? Increased Permitted Development Rights A SIMPLIFIED SYSTEM DELIVERING FASTER PLANNING DECISIONS Focus on Decision Making 262 prior approval applications 100 new dwellings Growth and Infrastructure Act Section 1 Performance has increased
3 Increased speed of planning decisions across all categories of development
4 A Transparent and Community Driven Planning System Neighbourhood Plans “Neighbourhood planning is an incredibly important new right and one that provides a real opportunity for people to bring about the homes, shops and facilities they want to see to make their community thrive.” Nick Boles MP
5 A Transparent and Community Driven Planning System Thame Neighbourhood Plan: Community Driven Planning in Action 1 st to allocate sites for new homes and businesses 76% ‘yes’ vote 40% turnout 775 new homes New transport links Supporting high streets
6 Discovering how growth is embraced Evidence examined Empowered community Acceptable solution Part of Local Plan Carries real weight in planning decisions Transparent Plan Making Sustainable Development
7 A Plan Led System – Delivering Sustainable Growth New homes approvals Approval rates Applications Planning approvals Construction activity 30,000 new homes started in the quarter to June 2013 More new housing being built: up from £8.5 billion in 2009 to £16.0 billion in 2012 A simpler planning system - building the homes the next generation needs
8 What Next?
9 A Vision for Future Sustainable Growth Deregulation and Simplification Red Tape Challenge Growth and Infrastructure Act Local Plans Increased Coverage Good Quality Supporting Businesses to Invest Locally Community Infrastructure Levy Surplus Land Business Rates Retention Permitted Development Rights Looking Ahead
10 Any Questions? Sustainable Growth and the Plan Led System