Commissioning intentions: public health Two year ring fenced budget allocation by Department of Health announced 10 January 2013 –2013/14 £ million –2014/15 £ million Expected allocation for 2013/14 was based on shadow allocation for 2012/13 of £ million Allocation meets commissioning intentions as set out below
Commissioning intentions: public health Improvement area 1: Giving our children a good start in life –Healthy child programme & school nursing –National child measurement programme –Reprocurement of child weight management services –Child oral health survey, screening & 3 year birthday card scheme Improvement area 2: Preventing illness and injury and helping people recover –Strategic review of obesity commissioning –New procurement of adult weight management services –Continued commissioning of existing sexual health programmes including HIV prevention –Develop prevention services in mental health –Redesign stop smoking community advisor service & specialist hospital based service –Implement alcohol action plan
Commissioning intentions: public health Improvement area 3: Preventing premature death and long term health conditions –Further roll out of NHS Health Checks & review of service model –Review exercise referral & cardiac rehab schemes Improvement area 4: Providing integrated, safe, high quality services –Revised treatment plan for drug services –Reprocure community drugs advice service –Expand shared care model for substance misusers