(and what might we do about it?) Stand-level Niches: How Does Everybody Fit In?
Gradient in Tree Use Ground voles Shrews Moles Tree voles Flying squirrels Other tree squirrels Mice Chipmunks
Thinning has a negative effect Bull et al Carey 2000, 2001 Gomez et al Herbers and Klenner 2007 Holloway and Malcolm 2006 Manning et al Meyer et al Ransome et al Waters and Zabel 1995 Waters et al Wilson 2010
Abundance Matters!
To Thin or Not to Thin? Much of the landscape in a simplified condition Much of the landscape in a simplified condition Some of these forests will be slow to develop desired conditions Some of these forests will be slow to develop desired conditions Need to restore frequent fire return intervals Need to restore frequent fire return intervals
How best to move landscape trajectories toward more complex forests? Real Question:
Focus on acceleration of midstory Underplanting Underplanting Understory Management Understory Management Regeneration Management Regeneration Management
Include young (<25yr) stands Achieve multiple layers sooner Achieve multiple layers sooner Flying squirrels may not yet use these stands Flying squirrels may not yet use these stands High stem density for horizontal occlusion High stem density for horizontal occlusion
Keep some high-density forest
Protect existing high-quality habitat
New Prescriptions? Pattern matters Pattern matters Skips and small gaps Skips and small gaps Maintain canopy connectivity Maintain canopy connectivity Protect nest substrates Protect nest substrates
What Next? Expand flying squirrel model…
Better metrics for evaluating squirrel habitat
Landscape and Regional Strategy