The rural youth in Catalonia (Spain) U do 2: Youth’s role in integrated rural development (IRD), 1-3 March 2011, Nurmijärvi, Finland Gemma Estany Laia Espasa
Summary 1. Catalonia: Some geographical data 2. What is ARCA? 3. Youth issues in Catalonia 1. Catalan youth policies 2. Characterising the Catalan youth 3. Rural youth migrations 4. ODYSSEUS project
1. Some geographical data ■ Catalonia is one of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain. ■ Surface: Km 2 (6,3% of the Spanish surface) ■ Population (2011): inhabitants ■ Total population density: 232 inhab./Km 2 MAIN FEATURES Catalonia is the second most populated region in Spain. Population density (2008) Source: IDESCAT
■ Organization: Catalonia is divided into four administrative regions There are at present 946 municipalities in Catalonia ■ Climate: Principally Mediterranean climate. The inland part show continental Mediterranean climate ■ Official Languages: ■ Catalan ■ Spanish ■ Aranese (Occitan) 1. Some geographical data Lleida Girona Barcelona Tarragona
■ Surface: 66% of the total ■ Population: inhab. ■ Population density: 19,8 inhab./km 2 ■ 51,8% of its municipalities RURAL AREAS 1. Some geographical data Rurality according to the OCDE Source: IDESCAT
■ F orest land and agricultural land are 43,9% and 35,5%. ■ Natura 2000 Network is 29,83% of the territory; which includes 10,6% of agricultural land and 39% of forest land. ■ The agrarian rate of employment is low: 1,9%. ■ The Catalan agroindustry is the first sales sector at national level and represents the 13,1% (2007) of the total employment. ■ Primary sector production: 1. Some geographical data
RURAL AREAS ■ Agrarian sector is loosing economic and social weight. ■ Strong development of the tourist sector which has led to a dependence on the construction sector. ■ Deficiencies in accessibility to basic services and terrestrial communications network. ■ Chronic demographic crisis in small municipalities. 1. Some geographical data
RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME CATALONIA ( ) ■ Rural development is not applied at all levels. ■ Rural development policies are linked mostly to the agricultural sector. ■ The economic diversification has been specially oriented to rural tourism which has saturated the sector in some areas. 1. Some geographical data
■ Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya (ARCA) ■ Since 2010, ARCA is the regional network of Local Action Groups (LAG) in Catalonia (Spain). ■ 13 LAGs ( ) ■ ARCA structures its action in 4 axis: o Technical service to support LAG groups; o Communication and spreading of projects, good practice and methodology; o Representation in other organizations and institutions; o Participation in rural development projects of regional interest. 3. What is ARCA?
4. Youth issues in Catalonia The Catalan Government has full competences on youth issues. The National Youth Plan of Catalonia ( ) is the general methodological framework. Each municipality elaborates its own Local Youth Plan at municipal level. CATALAN YOUTH POLICIES
7 Challenges: Education Employment Home transition Health Personal development and associativism Culture Social and territorial cohesion 7 Challenges: Education Employment Home transition Health Personal development and associativism Culture Social and territorial cohesion 4. Youth issues in Catalonia
The Catalan Government has full competences on youth issues. The National Youth Plan of Catalonia ( ) is the general methodological framework. Each municipality elaborates its own Local Youth Plan at municipal level. Last NYP ( ) empowered the social networks, promoted associativism and youth entrenchment. CATALAN YOUTH POLICIES
Housing o Only 30,2% of youth between years are emancipated high rents and precarious work and job insecurity. o General priority of buying than renting a residence. Only 27,5% of the emancipated young (20-34 years) are renting. CHARACTERISING THE CATALAN YOUTH Specific difficulties in rural areas: o Less renting residences. o Increased price of residences due to tourism. o Strict urban plans which not allow urban growth in some rural municipalities. Specific difficulties in rural areas: o Less renting residences. o Increased price of residences due to tourism. o Strict urban plans which not allow urban growth in some rural municipalities. 4. Youth issues in Catalonia
Education o General increase of youth aged between years with university qualifications (39,2%, 2008), specially women in rural areas. o Less educational sources in rural areas (specially for higher education). CHARACTERISING THE CATALAN YOUTH years 4. Youth issues in Catalonia Over qualification of youth between years and population over 29 years ( ) > 29 years
Employment o The ratio of unemployment among young people aged between 16 and 29 (37,1%) is the double than the unemployment among the rest of the population (18%), specially for women. CHARACTERISING THE CATALAN YOUTH 4. Youth issues in Catalonia Rate of unemployment, years ( )
Employment CHARACTERISING THE CATALAN YOUTH o Precarious work and job insecurity specially for women, immigrants and early graduated. o Lack of qualified jobs in rural areas. Area of professional activity of youth (24-29 years, 2006): 4. Youth issues in Catalonia
Leisure o Barcelona city as the main attractor for leisure activities. o Demand of leisure activities in rural areas. Associativism o Low participation, specially in urban areas. o Less participation of the youngest (<20 years). Mobility o Particularly rural youth suffer the need of mobility because education, labour and leisure activities. o Generalised use of private transport. CHARACTERISING THE CATALAN YOUTH 4. Youth issues in Catalonia
Graduated rural youth remains in urban and peri-urban areas where they have studied. Basically due to the lack of educative sources and jobs, problems to find a residence and the need to explore the outside world. “Neorurals”: coming from urban areas, specially young families. Immigrants. Returned youth. RURAL YOUTH MIGRATIONS Inflow 4. Youth issues in Catalonia Outflow
5. Odysseus project Main goal: Prevent and stop rural youth exodus to urban and peri-urban areas by creating a programme which favours work placement of young rurals and their commitment to their original rural areas. The programme wants to take action involving the principal stakeholders who influence this transition (universities and enterprises) and to raise awareness about the effects and impacts of youth migration in rural areas. ODYSSEUS. Programme for the return and labour integration of rural youth Target group: Young people, especially with rural origins and studying in higher education, between the age groups of 18 to 35 years.
5. Odysseus project First stage: Construction of the model Analysis and diagnosis Characterising rural youth and rural areas (detection of most vulnerable areas) Business in rural areas and detection of potentialities for youth Rural youth migrations Other factors which influence youth migrations Methodology design ODYSSEUS. Programme for the return and labour integration of rural youth 2011
5. Odysseus project ODYSSEUS. Programme for the return and labour integration of rural youth Second stage: Implementation Higher education centres Rural areas enterprises and entrepreneurship nodes Network of stakeholders Awareness actions about youth migration We look for partners! From 2012
ARCA Associació d’Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya