Deciduous Definition: To shed leaves during a certain season of the year Examples: Various dogwood and maple trees In this picture you can see a maple tree with its leaves falling off during the fall.
Perennial Definition: a plant that will bloom for a certain period of time, die and grow back the next year around the same time Examples: Iris Flowers, Daylilies, and Ornamental grass Here is a picture of an Iris Flower in full bloom.
Annual Definition: A plant that usually has only a one year life cycle Annuals also come in various colors. Examples: Petunias, Daisies, and Geraniums This is a picture of purple petunias
Conifer Definition: They are a non-flowering plant that grow cones instead of flowers, they are often wrongly defined as evergreens. Examples: Pine, Fir, and Cedar I know this is a conifer’s branch because of the pine cones that are attached
Diagram of Plant Parts
Stigma Definition: The part of the pistil that receives pollen Real Plant Plant diagram The stigma is circled in green on the pictures below
Stamen The pollen-producing male organ of a flower/plant that has an anther and a filament The diagram shows where the anther and the filament are on the stamen
Pollen Definition: A mass of microspores in a seed plant usually appearing as a fine dust. It’s common to be allergic to pollen.
What does pollen look like????
Anther This diagram shows where the anther is on a flower Definition: The part of stamen that holds and produces pollen
Ovary Definition: The part of the pistil that holds the ovules (seeds). These are the different ways an ovary can be inside a plant.
Petal Definition: The part of a flower used to attract pollinators (birds, bees etc). They are usually brightly colored and have sweet scents. Orange Petals are pictured here
Bibliography (for entire project) Conrad, Jim. Conifers. [Online] 28 April Farabee, M.J.. Plants and Their Structure. 4 May Keating, Richard C. Root. World Book Student. [Library Media Center.] 24 April Nature Hills Nursery. Perennials. [Online] 28 April Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Anther. 28 April Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Petal. 28 April Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Pollen. 28 April Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Stamen. 28 April Redmond, Robert. Deciduous Trees. [Online] 28 April Random House Dictionary Unabridged. Deciduous. [Online] 28 April The Garden Helper. The Difference Between Annual Plants and Perennial Plants in the Garden. [Online] 28 April Wagner, David H. "Photosynthesis." World Book Student [Place of access.] 4 May 2009.
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