Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions Pilot cases at the Municipality of Rethymnon 2nd PP meeting Portugal, 8-10 July 2013 Stavroula Tournaki Assoc. Prof. Theocharis Tsoutsos
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Municipality of Rethymnon
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Municipality of Rethymnon The Metropolitan area of the Municipality of Rethymnon has approximately 85,000 inhabitants; represents the institutional partner for TUC for the pilots since it has the authority to actually implement and integrate them to the local energy strategy. The municipality is also a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors and is therefore strongly committed to play an active role to the EU efforts of 20% CO 2 reduction by 2020 increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on its territory. Actually, the Rethymno SEAP aims to 25% GHG reduction till The Municipality of Rethymnon has been awarded with the European Energy Award as a European City of Energy Saving, 2013).
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Bioclimatic design of the open space in an Urban Area in Rethymnon (CR1) - Green Neighborhood Climatic conditions directly affect the use and activities of outdoor spaces, so they should be taken into account when designing public spaces, due to the extended use of outdoor spaces during summertime. The study will assess the urban climate in a selected neighbourhood in Rethimnon municipality, will visualize the area and will be identified the most suitable parameters for the bioclimatic design of this area. The aim is not only to evaluate the most suitable value of every microclimatic factor for the individual perception of comfort so as to provide a specialized replicable model of comfort in the Mediterranean areas through a proposed sustainable design. Financial support will be seek through Structural Funds Pilot Cases - 1
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Public lighting study (CR2) The old town in the Mediterranean maritime towns is part of their cultural requirements, but also required to showcase touristic attractions. However the lighting of open spaces is an excessive high energy consumer; critical part of the municipality’s bill. This pilot case aims to design appropriate public lighting infrastructure and management at the old town integrating energy saving, necessary level of lighting, flow regulation, other specific lighting conditions; could be a replicable example to be adapted in other municipalities in the region. Pilot Cases - 2
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Water Pumping Energy Efficiency Improvements(CR3) The energy costs of pumping and treating water impose a significant cost on municipal water utilities. Energy and water savings through efficiency measures to reduce this burden will be designed and adapted in the municipality of Rethymnon. The Power Factor will be measured and improved in the water supply system and water treatment plant. This project will result to reduced Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions, due to the reduction of the fossil fuels required for electricity generation and minimize the operation cost for the municipality Pilot Cases - 3
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Rethymnon Local Action Group NameINITIATIONPLANNINGIMPLEMENTATIONMONITORING INFORMED/ CONSENSUS TUC ReSEL Municipality of Rethimnon Technical Chamber of Greece Municipal Enterprise of Water and Sewage of Rethymnon Chamber of Commerce of Rethymnon Association of Rethymnon old town residents 21021
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Action plan Activity/task Project workshops Meetings of EWGs Materials for LAG prepared Identify appropriate potential members for LAG Send invitation to join; follow up and finalise the LAG synthesis Consult the EWG; include input from WP3 Organize the 1st meeting; define objectives, draft agenda, engage the LAG members Implement the 1st LAG meeting; motivate, keep minutes, allocate tasks, draft an action plan Circulate/publish the meetings outcomes Start the planning process; Monitoring the action plan; retroaction; Schedule next LAG meeting; Set objectives and milestones Identify members of local partnership Establish contacts with members of LP Organise the 1st event: define objectives etc. Implement the 1st event Circulate the event report JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember
Green Partnerships Arronches, July THANK YOU