AUTHOR: DATE: BY REVISIONDATE HUD Enterprise Information Management Practice - Intro to “Increasing the Value of HUD’s Data”
Objectives for Identified by the CIO Council Create a one-stop online website for free access to data produced or held by agencies across the Federal government Enable the public to easily find, download, and use federal government data including databases, standardized data feeds, and maps, graphics, and other data visualizations [“raw” data versus “value added” information] Target Audiences include general public, data analysts, data aggregators, web developers In the context of an open and transparent government will feature downloadable federal data sets organized by category and federal organization. Data sets will be available for download in XML, CSV, and shape file formats.
Suitable Data Sets March 11, 2009 memo to Federal CIOs asked for suitable data sets for launch, they also asked CIOs to: Identify the best data sets to be featured on the initial launch of new site Offer as much useful data as possible at launch then expand rapidly Nominate via MAX portal best candidate data sets using spreadsheet template by March 24th
and the HUD Nominees Are… HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agencies HUD Approved Mortgage Leaders List Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling Low-rent apartment list These are all on the HUD web site and are available to the public:
What’s Next? OMB will assign a Project Manager for goes live Data sets will be selected from those nominated by CIOs If selected, Agencies must provide metadata for all submitted data and consider making the data available by a web service.
Mock Up of
Questions? Shula Markland CIO EIM Team Project Manager Tom Tauscher Citizant, EIM Team Support Contractor Mark Amspoker Citizant, EIM Team Support Contractor