Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd.
Why the m-directory application? More and more people want information ‘On the Go!’ Typical websites are not WAP ready. Most publishers have multiple titles and DO NOT know how to build a mobile directory. 2 ₤ 10,000 ONLY + VAT With the Renaissance eServices Mobile Directory Application, you can build WAP/GPRS/Mobile phone ready versions of your Directory in minutes!! Your Directory can be accessed via an internet ready mobile or even downloaded to a mobile phone (*size conditions apply) You can include value added features like instant calls and SMS, CRM integration to monetize your data better.
Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. System Overview 3 Data Data Server Compile Data To Create Mobile Directory (.jar) Download via GPRS Transfer via Data Cable Transfer over Bluetooth Transfer over Infra Mobile Device Get Additional Data over WAP/GPRS/EDGE Wireless Transfer Excel, XML,CSV,SQL Server, MySQL etc. Or from Data Server.
Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. Specifications 4 Enter data manually to Create Mobile Executable Directory. Fetch data from existing data sources like SQL Server, Excel, XML etc. ‘Data’ can be Text or Images or compatible audio/video files. Build mobile Directory with different themes. Test & Simulate mobile application on PC before transferring to mobile. Create executables based on mobile screen sizes. Create executables based on mobile platform (S40,S60, Windows, Blackberry etc.)
Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. Sample skins
Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. More sample skins 6
Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. Ways to monetize your data via M-Directory Offer a GREENER version of your current directory! Use Advertisements on your mobile directory version (including google adsense for the GPRS version) to increase revenue. Use CRM integration for industry specific or client specific directories. And much more! 7
Proprietary & Confidential Inventurus Knowledge Solutions TM Proprietary & Confidential Renaissance eServices Pvt. Ltd. Thank You Contact us at for a no obligation discussion on how the Mobile Directory Application can help your