GSC – Saginaw County Update P-20 Efforts: “Metrics, Dashboards and Accountability” March 17, 2011
Project Charter for Early Childhood Component/s of the Cradle-to-College-Through-Career (P-20) Longitudinal Student Tracking System for Saginaw County, MI Version 3.0 Prepared by Rich Van Tol Saginaw Intermediate School District
Background - Accountability Project LAUNCH and the need to revisit Evidence- Based Practices, fidelity, and accountability MSU Independent Evaluation of Parents As Teachers – PAT Birth-5 Saginaw County (PAT) was using three separate data systems, which then had to be merged for county-wide analysis and reports UIC assignment was cumbersome The partners were not using the same forms Confidentiality issues
Background continued….. Early On (0-3 Part C), Michigan Mandated Special Education (0-26), and IDEA Part B (3-21) has had a data system: MI-CIS Phylis Beyer……..Perspective and Discussion - Using the MI-CIS UIC function to do UIC assignment for Birth-5 Saginaw County
Background continued….. Head Start, GSRP and Early Head Start had a data system: Child Plus Florence Thompson……..Perspective & Discussion - UIC assignment for Head Start, GSRP and Early Head Start
Background continued….. K-12 schools/LEAs are using an array of student information management systems. TIES, Skyward, etc. K-12 schools/LEAs also had a Title II D grant to establish a regional data warehouse. Early childhood, via the Implementation Fund, “bought” it’s way into the conversation…luckily!
Background continued….. Birth-5 Saginaw County and the home visiting partners needed a web-based data system to track its data: Enables the monitoring of the program, tracking home visits, screen/assessment results, UIC assignment, etc.
As a collaborative, we….. Arrived at common intake forms for Birth-5 Arrived at a common Authorization to Share Information form across Birth-5, Early Head Start, Head Start, GSRP, Early On, Special Education, etc. Performed collective training on the forms and family- friendly best practices to get consent from families
Ken Bell Perspective Building the B-5 DB and future efforts with the Regional Data Warehouse
Interim EC Data Collection System B- 5 ( replaced by permanent solution later?) Collect Key Child & Family Information Assign UIC, Enter in MSDS Integrate w Data Warehouse Integrate w EC Student Information Systems Head Start Birth-5 / Great Parents Great Start University Great Start Readiness Program Imagination Library TBD Integrate w K-12 Student Information Systems Skyward TIES CIMS TEMS Integrate w State Level Agencies B-20 Data Warehouse Use The Data To Optimize Child – Student Services For Each Child
Interim EC Data Collection System B-5 (Does it do all of these or just collect data to start?) Create a Data Model to Identify Key Child & Family Information Map Data Model to current Data Warehouse, SIS, EC systems and State Systems such as the MSDS Prepare a GAP Analysis Design, Build (or purchase ), and Implement the data collection system Define Interfaces needed and design interface architectures (XML, CSV, Web Services?) Create a Process Model to Identify Who, What, When, How
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Notes from the SLDS Grant Program
Goals of Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDSs) evaluate teacher programs to improve instruction know if graduates have skills to succeed in postsecondary and/or workforce simplify local, state, and federal reporting support informed decision-making for all educators
SLDS can help states… evaluate various education programs How program participation relates to high school graduation Students’ success with transitions to postsecondary institutions Effective teacher instruction programs develop early warning indicator systems Use key variables to identify at-risk students by program, teacher, school
Grantee States
Next Steps for SLDS Allow for reliable connections to early childhood, postsecondary and labor data Connect teachers and students to understand teacher impact Provide data access to research community and public stakeholders Figure out how to build data structures for seamless transfers of student records across state lines Data use at all levels of education
Elements of Longitudinal Data Systems (America Competes Act) 1.Student Enrollment Information 2.Information on Graduates, Transfers, Dropouts 3.State Assessment Scores 4.Information on Students Not Tested 5.College-Readiness Test Scores 6.A Teacher Identifier System 7.Student Transcript Information 8.Data on Student Transition and Success in College 9.Data on Preparation for Success in Postsecondary Education 10.An Audit System to Ensure Data Quality 11.Ability to Share Data from Preschool Through College 12.Unique Student Identifiers
SLDS Program Evolution
Moving along the Accountability Spectrum Compliance Reporting Accountability (rearview mirror view—what we did well/not so well), i.e., Outcomes/Results of Program/s Continuous Improvement (looking out the front window)
The future? Continue to assign UIC and sustain the data system infrastructure that is in place Continued work with the Regional Data Warehouse Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MICR) and possible link with Child Plus, i.e., California’s Immunization Registry links to their Head Start programs (Child Plus) to verify child status (Jeremy Reuter, HSSCO). CC.NET into the data warehouse? Common Kindergarten assessment system?
Opportunity to Leverage Federal Funding Source: Leveraging Federal Funding: A Roadmap for StatesLeveraging Federal Funding: A Roadmap for States