Academic Outreach Project 24 Month Rolling Plan Jul2010 Jul12 Jan11 Jul10 Jul11 Jan US Challenge Topic Announcement 2011 Academic Challenge Judging 2012 Academic Challenge Judging Student IDE Tool Kit Specifications OHT Curriculum Planning Academic Outreach HIMSS Challenge Announcement April 2010 Academic Challenge co-located with CONNECT First Summer Camp? 2012 Challenge Topic Announcements OHT Curriculum Planning Explore International
Summary Report Project Name: OHT Architecture Platform Project The OHT Architecture Platform Project is developing the tools, techniques and processes for OHT Projects and the Architecture Council To support independently managed OHT Projects to contribute to the vision of standards based interoperable technology components enabling comprehensive and secure access to consistent clinical information wherever needed Completed Milestones: Architecture Principles – Q Upcoming Milestones: Tooling Architecture Vision – Q Architecture Framework – Q Tooling Classification Template Q Current Tools Classified Q4 2010
Summary Report Project Name: CollabNet Infrastructure Project Brief Project Description: CollabNet provides the Hosting and TeamForge Product and services for the Forge and Charter project work. Major milestones to date – Pre-Migration Work Projected milestones – To be done in July 2010 Major release dates – July 2010 Contribution date - Yearly Contribution value – Product, Hosting, Services at very low rates
Summary Report Project Name: HL7 Tooling Static Model Designer 1.1 The 1.1 version of the Static Model Designer is adding support for Universal Level validations and annotations Completed Milestones: NHS sponsored SMD 1.0 Upcoming Milestones: Build for testing - Q Release 1.1 – Q4 2010
Summary Report Project Name: IHE Profiles Brief Project Description: The Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. IHE promotes the coordinated use of established standards such as DICOM and HL7 to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care. Systems developed in accordance with IHE communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enable care providers to use information more effectively. To lower the barrier to integration and expedite healthcare interoperability, OHT provides client side implementations of several key IHE profiles. These implementations were used successfully by over 35 systems to date at the Connectathons in North America and Europe. Major milestones to date: v1.0.0 – 3/2009, v1.1.0 – 5/2010 Projected milestones: v1.2.0 – 5/2011 Major release dates: (projected) pre-connectathon - 11/2010, post-conectathon 2/2011 Contribution date: continual since July 2008
Summary Report Project Name: OpenExchange Brief Project Description: OpenExchange platform provides standards based core infrastructure to exchange patient health information in a secure and timely manner, to advance the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery. The platform is a critical element of HIE infrastructure that provides clinicians and other members of the healthcare community with the right information at the right time by making patient information available across organizational boundaries. OpenExchange consists of open source projects that use Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles as the set of fundamental requirements. Major milestones to date: Successfully completed OpenPIXPDQ, OpenXDS (with XCA) and OpenATNA Projected milestones: OpenDSUB and OpenPIXPDQ V3.0 Major release dates: Q3 and Q Contribution date: 2009, 2010 Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code): 325 Man days
AIP - Summary Report Project Name: Application Integration Platform Brief Description: AIP comprises two components: NexJ Studio Express and NexJ Model Server Express A Model-driven engineering IDE with a focus on enterprise application integration with UML An adapter-based JEE application server that executes application integration solution models Channel adapters include File, HTTP & JMS; Message format adapters include HL7, CSV, XML & fixed length record Major milestones: NFCU, NexJ Scheme, OSS Contribution dates: 2009: Q1, Q3, Q4, 2010: Q2 Contribution value: > 15 man years, > 300k lines
Summary Report Project Name: IHTSDO Workbench Brief Project Description: Development of a collaborative tool to allow maintenance of terminology, mapping to other coding systems, and translation. Major milestones to date: Refset (6/10), Classifier (5/10) Projected milestones: Translation module (11/10) Major release dates: 06/10, 01/11 Contribution date: from 01/09 onwards Contribution value: 9 person years IHTSDO Workbench
Stepstone Summary Soliciting increased participation from the Continua Health Alliance Plan to donate WAN implementation in 1Q of 2011 Plan to award maintenance contract for these components
Summary Report Project Name: Voluntary Universal Healthcare Identifiers Brief Project Description: The VUHID project enables patients who are members of a health information exchange to obtain a globally unique set of healthcare IDs to enable error-free patient identification and enhanced privacy management of clinical data. Major milestones to date: Server operational, 2008 Projected milestones: Production system, Q3, 2010, first HIE operational Q3, 2010 Major release dates: NA Contribution date: Currently available for integration Contribution value: 20 person years
Standard User Interface Tooling Summary Report The Standard User Interface tooling project is a partnership project to deliver elements of a healthcare standard user interface: Technology evaluation A Reference implementation framework which incorporates User interface guidelines and Snomed CT open source prototype applications in the chosen technology Major milestones to date: Technology evaluation completed – Flex chosen Development work on framework and architecture commenced Planned next steps: Delivery of architecture and meds list in reference platform September 2010 Snomed CT single concept matching and Drug chart to follow in 3 month sprints
Summary Report - 2Q 2010 Project Name: OpenPASS Brief Project Description: The project objective is to provide open source reference implementations of Privacy Access and Security Services (PASS) based on the HL7 healthcare standards and service oriented architecture (SOA) principles. Major milestones to date: n/a Projected milestones: Milestone R1 – September, 2010 Major release dates: n/a Contribution date: n/a Contribution value: n/a
Summary Report Project Name: Conformance Services Brief Project Description: A set of tools to test that vendors have successfully implemented the requirements and specifications required to interoperate. Focus on HL7v3 messaging. Simulation component (accepts message, returns result from test data DB to sender) Logging and Reporting capabilities Test Materials: Test Cases and Data, Test Scripts, Conformance Profiles Major milestones to date: funding secured (June 2010) Projected milestones: RFP written and issued for test tools/environment Sept 2010 Selection of test tools/environment complete and implemented Jan 2011 Test cases and test data prepared Jan 2011 Major release dates: Jan 2011 Contribution date Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code)
Summary Report Project Name: Message Builder API Brief Project Description: Intended to simplify the implementation of HL7 v3 messaging. A Generator component takes MIF files and creates canonical models of health messages, plus APIs for Java,.NET and simple XML. These allow application developers to work with business objects rather than HL7 v3 objects. Major milestones to date: implementation of all versions complete Projected milestones: field testing completed Sept 2010 Major release dates: Jan 2011 Contribution date Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code)
Packaging & Distribution Project Summary Report Project Name: Brief Project Description: The Packaging and Distribution Project can deal with three different aspects of deployment validation and verification: Intellectual Property constraints deal with assuring that the terms and conditions of software licenses are respected and that other legal obligations are being met Information Governance constraints focus on assuring that deployed software is in compliance with corporate governance and other applicable IT policies Configuration constraints deal with whether the various pieces that comprise a software system will fit together and work correctly; this mainly involves verifying that prerequisites and dependencies deriving from programming language and implementation technology considerations are satisfied Major milestones to date: 1&2 Q 2010 define scope functional description Projected milestones: TBD Major release dates: TBD Contribution date: TBD Contribution value (Person years or market value or lines of code): TBD
AIP - Summary Report Project Name: Application Integration Platform Brief Description: AIP comprises two components: NexJ Studio Express and NexJ Model Server Express A Model-driven engineering IDE with a focus on enterprise application integration with UML An adapter-based JEE application server that executes application integration solution models Channel adapters include File, HTTP & JMS; Message format adapters include HL7, CSV, XML & fixed length record Major milestones: NFCU, NexJ Scheme, OSS Contribution dates: 2009: Q1, Q3, Q4, 2010: Q2 Contribution value: > 15 man years, > 300k lines
Summary Report Project Name: Device Integration Platform Brief Project Description: Develop strategies, processes and code for integrating devices and communications capabilities into end to end connected health applications. Major milestones to date: Identify and engage stake holders,and collect their hopes, ideas and concerns. Projected milestones: Identify two pilot projects to start immediately, and provide a safe sandbox to address the concerns that have been raised to date: – How to handle mixes of open source and proprietary sources in the same project? – How to make use of multiple OHT members and resources in the same project? – How to document and report on projects to provide real value to OHT members? – How quickly can a carefully scoped and managed project be put into the field? Major release dates: 6 months or less Contribution date: 1Q2011 Contribution value: Full documentation on pilot projects' business and technical process, plus whatever source is identified during the pilot projects to be released into open source.
Summary Report Project Name: Portable Re-Configurable UI Platform Description: Create a platform to construct Portable Re-Configurable UI Platform that provides enhanced usability for health care providers; end user re-configurability; portability across multiple operating systems, browsers and devices; common usage models; enforces patient safety and other design constraints at runtime; includes integrated simulation, test and deployment capabilities. Dependencies: Standard UI, Application Integration Platform Projects Completed Milestones: Concept and Requirements Q Upcoming Milestones: Feasibility Studies – Q3/Q4 201 Prototype Implementations – Q Early Adopter Deployment – Q4 2011/Q Release 1.0 – Q2 2012