by Eric Perraudeau, Product Manager Advanced reporting using API and Report frameworks San Francisco, CA March 22 nd 2010
Agenda Manual Data vs Automatic Data Qualys API frameworks Reporting Q&A C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 2
C O N F I D E N T I A L 3 Manual Data vs Automatic Data Scan 1 Result 1 Option Profile 1 Result 1 Scan 2 Result 2 Option Profile 2 Result 2 Scan 3 Result 3 Option Profile 3 Result 3 Scan n Result n Option Profile n Result n Manual Data World Auto Data World Report Templates Reports Normalize Database Stored in report center for 7 days + Encrypted PDF distribution lists
C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 4 API frameworks Two API frameworks: V1 – legacy V2 introduced better scalability and two authentication schemes (session based and basic) V2 api allow to pull automatic data in XML for external usage. Ex: import in a local database Documentation: API user guide available through resources section in the UI. Quick reference guide will be available soon.
C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 5 API: leverage auto vuln data First option: full download every time Second option: 2 steps process to enhance scalability 1 st : initial import. Get all the vuln data 2 nd : on a regular basis, download only what changed. Define a report template in UI and get the template ID Use trend and analysis for a given period (1 day, 1 week, 1 month) Use filter capabilities to get what you need. Recommended filter: all vulnerabilities with status NEW – FIXED – REOPEN; Ignore ACTIVE Use API v2 to run execute the report on the Qualys’ report servers. USE SAME FREQUENCY THAN THE PERIOD DEFINED IN THE REPORT TEMPLATE. Targets of the report template (Asset groups or IP ranges) can be overridden at execution time one template for many usage
C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 6 Reporting Using a database populated with CSV or XML results pulled from QualysGuard using API v2 for automatic vulnerability data Usage of a reporting framework. First suggestion: zoho report from Business intelligence in your browser Second suggestion: BIRT plugin for Eclipse “BIRT is an open source Eclipse-based reporting system that integrates with your Java/J2EE application to produce compelling reports.” require a Java/J2EE environment.
C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 7 Reporting – zoho report example
C O M P A N Y C O N F I D E N T I A L 8 Going forward Define a DB structure for vuln including status (new – active – fixed – reopened) Define a DB structure for the assets – asset groups
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